5 Reasons why you should watch Money in the Bank instead of Game of Thrones finale

MITB or GoT?
MITB or GoT?

#1 The ending of GoT could be very predictable at this stage

A betting man would think twice before predicting this year's Money in the Bank
A betting man would think twice before predicting this year's Money in the Bank

The once beloved Daenerys Targaryen has turned her back on GoT fans and Jon Snow, on the other hand, has realized the fact that he finally might just have to take a step in order to stop 'The Mad Queen' and eventually claim the throne. After all, Snow or Aegon Targaryen, as some of you might know him by, is the rightful claim to the throne now after the revelation of the fact that the man who was once considered as the Bastard of the North belongs from the Targaryen family after all.

Therefore, fans definitely shouldn't be surprised if Jon Snow steps in to save the day in the final episode and takes his place on the throne by quite possibly executing Dany. All of this makes sense after all, isn't it? Well, it does and it is also very predictable, to say the least. Whereas, Money in the Bank isn't!

Yep, this year's MITB show is absolutely stacked and every match on the show is expected to deliver. And predicting the eventual winners of every single match on the card is going to be tough even for the most experienced of wrestling pundits. Expect WWE to pull off some major swerves this Sunday at Money in the Bank. Therefore, stick to MITB if you wish to get absolutely surprised.