5 Reasons WWE should have brought back the Hardcore Championship instead of creating the 24/7 title

The 24/7 title has about the same rules as the old Hardcore Championship. Why not bring back the old title?
The 24/7 title has about the same rules as the old Hardcore Championship. Why not bring back the old title?

#3 Lineage

WWE loses a lineage to past greats who held the Hardcore title.
WWE loses a lineage to past greats who held the Hardcore title.

Now more than ever, WWE celebrates history. Given that the Internet has elongated even casual fans’ memories, and given the massive tape library that WWE proudly showcases via the WWE Network, its easy draw connections between different time periods.

Moreover, WWE is better equipped than ever to underscore stories they want to tell with a tinge of historical significance and selling longer term narratives that cross generations.

Had WWE decided to reinstitute the Hardcore Championship, it could have readily linked today’s Superstars to legends like Mick Foley, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, The Big Show, Kane, and RVD, as well as popular Attitude Era stars like Crash Holly, Billy Gunn, and Tommy DReamer who held the title.

Absent these connections, the 24/7 title is more recognizable for exactly what it is—a gimmick championship that will mostly occupy mid-carders who do not have anything better to spend their time on.

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