5 Signs WWE Is Shifting Towards More Controversial Content

Is WWE shifting towards edgier content?
Is WWE shifting towards edgier content?

#4. Making it personal

WWE is starting to get the family involved again!
WWE is starting to get the family involved again!

Believe it or not, this is something WWE did a long time ago and it is causing some flashbacks within the WWE Universe. In fact, who could forget that infamous episode of Friday Night Smackdown when WWE legend, Eddie Gurrero, came out and revealed to Dominic that he was his Papi.

Of course, WWE has shied away from this kind of storytelling during the PG Era but seems to be bringing it back into play as of late. Not only is that evident by the aforementioned saga between The Miz and The Fiend, but also by how Dominic was attacked by Brock Lesnar in the lead up to their match at TLC.

Dominic even ran inference for Mysterio during The Luchador's match against Lesnar, which is again another sign of WWE resorting back to this kind of storytelling. Whether WWE continues to do this or not remains to be seen and will probably depend on the company's success with it, but it is a sign that they are at least starting to branch out.

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