5 Superstars who could be the next Paul Heyman Guy

The man with a vision
The man with a vision

#3 Shinsuke Nakamura

A collaboration with Heyman could work wonders for The Artist

It comes down to business again and with the Japanese market becoming more commercially viable for the WWE, it seems like an ideal time to collaborate Nakamura with the greatest professional talker in WWE history. Paul Heyman could definitely bring back the 'King of Strong Style' and sell him to the extent of making him the Guy in WWE.

Nakamura is the mastermind of offensive innovation and a visionary like Heyman understands the undeniable potential of this man. WWE could do so much business in Japan by pushing Shinsuke Nakamura to the top of the mountain and, a potential alignment with Paul could seal the deal for them. Imagine Heyman's promo endorsing Nakamura's offensive and vicious style of wrestling; it could change the whole landscape around Nakamura's career and make him a bigger deal within the company.

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