5 Surprising decisions WWE has taken in 2020 so far

Two big surprises fans were treated to this year
Two big surprises fans were treated to this year

#2 Money in the Bank 2020 ladder matches take place inside WWE HQ

WWE HQ's rooftop
WWE HQ's rooftop

With the coronavirus pandemic preventing WWE from having shows in front of live audiences, the company relied on cinematic matches to keep fans invested in the product. After the success of the two cinematic encounters at WrestleMania, WWE raised the stakes at Money in the Bank 2020 and decided to have the men's and women's ladder matches simultaneously inside the WWE Headquarters.

The chaotic bout saw both the men and women wrestlers starting on the ground floor and fighting their way to the rooftop, where the briefcases were hanging for the taking. This was a pretty bold decision on WWE's part but it did pay off in the end, if fan reaction on social media was any indication.

Fans had never witnessed a full-fledged ladder match involving a bunch of Superstars taking place inside the WWE HQ. Vince McMahon shouting at AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan, Nia Jax confronting Otis, and Asuka putting down King Corbin to win the briefcase were just a few of several surprising and entertaining moments that this match gave us.