5 things former WWE employees revealed about the company

CM Punk is one of many wrestlers who have told the dark secrets of Vince McMahon’s empire

#5 Superstar Billy Graham tells all

Superstar Billy Graham alleged that WWE officials forced him to take steroids

Superstar Billy Graham was one of the greatest heels in the old WWF – before Vince McMahon bought the company from his father. Graham was one of the most outspoken opponents of the company during the height of the steroid controversy in the early 1990s. Graham had been interviewed about the issues with wrestlers and performers and spoke openly that he was “forced” to take them.

At one point, in a famous interview on the Phil Donohue Show, he claimed that he saw children sexually abused by WWE employees, a claim he later recanted admitting it was an effort to extort money from the McMahons. The claims of sexual abuse and steroid have been prominent for decades.