5 Things That Should Happen at Elimination Chamber 2018

These events could really spice up Elimination Chamber
These events could really spice up Elimination Chamber

#3 Ronda Rousey should turn on Stephanie McMahon

It shouldn't be a simple contract signing segment
It shouldn't be a simple contract signing segment

Ronda Rousey has proved, time and again, that actions speak louder than words. Especially considering that her promo skills aren't the best!

We think that Rousey shaking hands with Stephanie McMahon, after went down at WrestleMania 31, was a mistake. We think she should put McMahon in an armbar instead, during the contract signing.

We do know that contract signings in WWE aren't usually peaceful. However, the sight of Stephanie McMahon tapping out on camera, thanks to a submission move from Ronda Rousey could garner media attention from across the world.

Something of this nature needs to happen, to get the audience excited about WrestleMania 34.

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