5 things WWE does better in 2018 than 25 years ago and 5 things they don't 

WWE has changed a lot in 25 years!

#8 Better in 1993: Vince McMahon was on commentary

Vince Mc
Vince McMahon used to be an entertaining announcer

As an on-screen heel personality, Vince McMahon was one of the most over-the-top characters you’re ever likely to witness on WWE programming – and the same can be said for his enthusiastic announcing.

The WWE owner was a regular commentator for the company between 1971 and 1997 and was the lead announcer for the first four years of Monday Night Raw, with his “What a manoeuvre!” saying becoming one of the most memorable commentary phrases of all time.

WWE’s current commentary isn’t necessarily bad but it felt a lot more fun when Vince was on the call.