5 things you probably didn't know about the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2018

What things about this year's class that fans may have not been aware of? Images courtesy of voxcatch.fr
What things about this year's class that fans may not have been aware of? Images courtesy of voxcatch.fr

#4 Ivory was part of the original airing of GLOW

Before she tackled opponents in a WWE ring, she was tackling opponents as part of the program G.L.O.W. Images courtesy of ringthedamnbell.wordpress.com
Before she tackled opponents in a WWE ring, she was tackling opponents as part of the program G.L.O.W. Images courtesy of ringthedamnbell.wordpress.com

During her time in the ring, Ivory was great at being bad. She was a heel that didn't hide who she was and played her part perfectly, often reminding everyone else how bad they were and how good she was.

One of the most notable things about Ivory was that she was technically savvy in the ring and helped combine sex appeal with technical prowess, at a time where very few were as capable in the ring as she was. A former women's champion, Ivory would do anything a heel woman could be expected to do in order to keep the title.

What many don't know is that although it was in WWE where she gained notoriety as a prudish part of the 'Right to Censor,' it was on another program that she gained her first break. Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling (G.L.O.W.) was a television program in the 1980s, an all-women wrestling promotion.

It has received renewed attention due to the Netflix fictional series based on the promotion that debuted in the last couple of years. Ivory first appeared in the wrestling ring as part of the original G.L.O.W.

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