5 Times WWE 'Wrestler's Court' punished WWE Superstars

The Undertaker, Triple H, and Roman Reigns have all handed out
The Undertaker, Triple H, and Roman Reigns have all handed out

#2 Roman Reigns and Enzo Amore

Roman Reigns threw Enzo Amore out of the bus
Roman Reigns threw Enzo Amore out of the bus

A more recent story, this one was not a proper session by the Wrestler's Court, but more of an impromptu decision by the locker room leader to punish an offender of locker room etiquette.

During his time in WWE, Enzo Amore was anything except respectful. Known for being loud, and extremely brash and abrasive in his behavior, he had managed to turn the entire locker room against him.

He was seen as an embarrassment to other wrestlers.

In the WWE tour bus, one such time when he was boasting about how much money he was making loudly over the phone so that everyone could hear, Roman Reigns had enough.

He asked Enzo Amore to stand up and then get out of the bus. Amore was thrown out of the bus and was forced to arrange his own transport. This was a popular decision among the other wrestlers, and one of the only times in recent times that almost every wrestler unanimously disliked a fellow WWE Superstar.