5 wrestlers who should return to WWE and 5 who should not

Jake 'The Snake' Roberts made one of the most amazing returns in the recent times.
Jake 'The Snake' Roberts made one of the most thrilling and emotional returns in recent times.

#7 Should: Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio is undoubtedly the best high flyer to have stepped in to a WWE ring.
Rey Mysterio is undoubtedly the best high flyer to have stepped into a WWE ring.

Rey Mysterio is the best luchador to perform for WWE. He is fondly remembered as the fan favourite David in a landscape full of Goliaths. Though Rey has left the WWE, the separation was reportedly on good terms. This makes a case for Rey to make a return which, according to the rumours, might be on the cards.

Despite his age, Rey will be an asset to the WWE. He could bring the much-needed attention to the cruiserweight division which is longing for a star ever since Austin Aeries and Neville left. He has shown that he has no problems in putting over younger talent and previously talent like Sin Cara have benefited by taking shelter under his wings.

Moreover, the WWE needs to maintain its Hispanic fan base, which would definitely be pleased to see the master of 619 back in action.