5 wrestling factions that ended sooner than they should have

images via topropepress.com where does this forgotten group rank in our list of those that ended far too soon?
Where does this forgotten group rank on our list of those that ended far too soon?

#4 The Brood

images via ringthedamnbell.wordpress.com Gangrel, Edge and Christian provided fans with a dark collection of characters in the late 1990s.
Gangrel, Edge and Christian provided fans with a dark collection of characters in the late 1990s.

Without question, if one thing stood about this group right from the beginning, it was their entrance. Christian, Edge and Gangrel rose from below the stage surrounded by a ring of fire, and if that doesn't scream the coolest entrance ever, it really is hard to tell what would.

Upon entering the ring Gangrel would drink from a chalice and spit out what is believed to have been, blood. The faction's name appears to have come from the David Cronenberg film ‘The Brood,' which was rather dark in its own right. The group debuted long before the ‘Twilight' series was all the rage.

Author Anne Rice's best-selling Vampire series appeared to be where Gangrel got the idea for his attire, which had a very gothic look that suggested he came from a different century. There was something so new and different about the group.

Eventually, they joined the Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness, before the group split with Edge and Christian turning on Gangrel. Gangrel was later affiliated with the Hardy Boyz, but The Brood had come to an end.

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