WWE SmackDown Live Results 27th February 2018, Latest SmackDown winners and video highlights

Aiden English vs Shinsuke Nakamura

Aiden English, accompanied by Rusev, started off with a serenade before the match began. Nakamura was in control throughout the opening stages until English distracted the referee while Nakamura was at ringside, giving Rusev the chance to clock Nakamura on the back of the head.

Back from the commercial, English planted Nakamura for a 2-count before hitting a crossbody. Nakamura immediately replied to the crossbody with a running boot to the head. Nakamura followed it up with a couple of strikes before flooring him with a nasty kick to the ear.

Moments later, Nakamura hit English with the Kinshasa for the win.

Shinsuke Nakamura def. Aiden English

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