5 WWE Superstars who can win their first main roster singles championship In 2019

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#4 Mustafa Ali

Mustafa Ali is one for the future
Mustafa Ali is one for the future

A year ago, Mustafa Ali was on the losing end of the pre-show bout at WrestleMania to determine the new Cruiserweight Champion, and at Elimination Chamber, he'll be wrestling for the WWE title inside the Chamber, and that's an amazing turnaround.

It may be easy for us to look back and say that Ali has done a great job in making it to the main roster, and that's true, but he's got so much further to go. Since Daniel Bryan, the WWE have struggled to book a true underdog, but Ali's work is so great that the fans can't help but cheer for him, making him arguably the best face in WWE right now.

His promo work, particularly on social media has been impeccable, and when you see him in the ring, you can't help but root for him, and that's a rare quality in the WWE these days. Ali has been calling himself the Heart and Soul for a while now, and that's never been truer. With several heels at the top of the pack on Smackdown, we may see him rise to the top in 2019, and if not, it will happen at WrestleMania 36 at the latest.