7 "Bad Guy" wrestlers fans still cheer for

Adam Cole, a bad guy wrestler who consistently gets cheers.
Adam Cole, a bad guy wrestler who consistently gets cheers.

#5 "Evil" Sting

Sting once attempted to turn heel in WCW before its collapse--it didn't work out so well.
Sting once attempted to turn heel in WCW before its collapse--it didn't work out so well.

The Stinger has been through a lot of different looks over the years, from his days as a bleached blonde surfer dude to his darker turn as the 'crow' Sting, to variations combining elements from all of his varied personas.

For most of his career, Sting has been a dyed in the wool Babyface, someone who the fans love to cheer for, root for, and paint their faces in reverence for.

However, post-Crow Sting, post "Tomato" Sting from NWO Wolfpac, there was a short period of time where WCW tried -- and failed -- to turn the Stinger into a bad guy. He insulted the crowd, he beat down fan favorites like the legendary Nature Boy Ric Flair, and he cheated to win.

But instead of booing, the fans simply amended their signs from "Sting Rules" to "Evil Sting Rules." Sometimes you just can't fight fate.

Why he was cheered instead of booed: By the time Sting got around to trying a heel run, he was already a man who many fans had literally grown up watching, and he was their hero during that time more often than not.

With so many years, even decades, of playing the babyface, fans refused to turn their backs on him even when he acted like a genuine villain.