[Video]Chyna's top 5 moments in WWE

Triple H, Chyna and Shawn Michaels – The first incarnation of DX (Courtesy WWE)

2: First woman to enter the King Of The Ring tournament

Chyna was a trailblazer. She shifted people’s perceptions about women in wrestling. Following her ground-breaking entry in the 1999 Royal Rumble, she created a new record later in June that year by being the first woman entering the King Of The Ring tournament. She beat Val Venis in the first round before losing to Road Dogg in the quarter-finals.

Even though she didn’t manage to win, just her participation in the tournament, renewed interest in the King Of The Ring concept which had been getting stale. If WWE had let Chyna progress a little more in the tournament she could have become an even huger star.

Side-note: Later in 1999, Chyna also became the first woman to ever be in a #1 contender’s match for WWE Championship.

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