Grading the 9/4/18 Episode of 205 Live

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This week's episode of 205 Live was headlined by Cedric Alexander vs TJP.

Noam Dar vs Brian Kelly

WWE Photo
Noam Dar easily defeated local competitor Brian Kelly.

Result: Noam Dar defeats Brian Kelly via pinfall with the NovaRolla while Lio Rush watched on from commentary.

Grade: B-

Analysis: While this match was a pretty basic match, it is nice that 205 Live is continuing to showcase Noam Dar. This means that Noam Dar is likely going to be pushed soon which is great considering how horribly he was booked last year.

It is also nice that WWE is starting a rivalry between Noam Dar & Lio Rush as both superstars may be a victory away from becoming #1 Contender for the Cruiserweight Title. A feud between these 2 superstars is questionable because both superstars could use a victory but I have no doubt that both Lio Rush & Noam Dar will benefit from this rivalry.