6 biggest problems with WWE right now

What are WWE's biggest problems right now?
What are WWE's biggest problems right now?

#5 Use of commercial breaks

WWE's constant commercial breaks really takes away from the action at times!
WWE's constant commercial breaks really takes away from the action at times!

This probably isn't something WWE can help right now, especially with attendance, ratings and some merchandise sales down, but the constant barrage of commercials is really annoying at times. The commercial breaks also happen at the worst possible time during a match and really takes away from the flow of things.

WWE tried to remedy this by doing a split screen of commercials and the action, but the ad audio was the only thing that could be heard. In the end, its nothing the company is going to be able to stop anytime soon. It would be nice however if WWE picked their commercial breaks a little more carefully though.

For example, three commercial breaks during a 30-minute match really takes away from the flow and the story being told. It also just makes things drag on for longer than needed which also makes it harder to follow. Maybe WWE can correct this by doing more side by side breaks, but without the audio, it's still hard to figure out what's going on at times.

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