6 things CM Punk would've done if he hadn't walked out from the WWE

CM Punk
Things didn't go as planned in UFC for the straight edge superstar.

#4 A match against Triple H at WrestleMania 31

CM Punk and Triple H
Who would say no to this match?

CM Punk and Triple H never got along that well. As mentioned before, claiming The Shield was his idea was one of the reasons Triple H lost the respect of Punk.

Punk would then go on to own the cerebral assassin on countless occasions including the infamous pipe bomb promo in which punk referred to Triple H as Vince McMahon's doofus son-in-law. Punk would take shots at Triple H on marrying his way into the business and constantly got on the game's nerves. This feud had all it takes to go for a long time.

If punk were still in the WWE by the time, we would've seen witnessed CM Punk vs Triple H at WrestleMania 31 instead of that abomination of a match with Triple H facing Sting.

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