Top 11 photos of wrestlers unmasked

Sin Ca
Sin Cara removes his mask for

#4 Mil Muertes

Mil Muertes defeated Prince Puma for the Lucha Underground Championship

Well, he was one of the most dominant wrestlers across seasons one and two of Lucha Underground, but Mil Muertes is still one of the show's biggest enigmas.

Mil Muertes' almost demonic demeanour and menacing stature only add to his intimidating presence, but the former Lucha Underground Champion, as with many others on the show, is played by an established professional wrestler.

Ricky Banderas is Mil Muertes

Ricky Banderas may be the only person on this list to perform as two completely different masked men. While Perkins performed as Suicide and Manik, Banderas is Mil Muertes, but also performed as Judas Mesias, the brother of Abyss, in TNA.

Banderas as Judas Mesias