Top 5 Moments of Wrestlemania V

WrestleMania 5 was all about the implosion of the Mega Powers
WrestleMania 5 was all about the implosion of the Mega Powers

#3 The End of Strike Force

Rick Martel stands on the apron after Santana hit him with a forearm, leading to the break up of Strike Force
Rick Martel stands on the apron after Santana hit him with a forearm, leading to the break up of Strike Force

Strike Force was one of the most prominent tag teams in the WWF in the late 80s and had prominent feuds with the Islanders, Hart Foundation, and Demolition. Their final feud and Wrestlemania match together would be against the Brain Busters at WrestleMania 5.

During their match, Tully Blanchard lifted up Tino Santana for an Atomic Drop only for Martel to tag himself in. Santana would no-sell the Atomic Drop and bounce back off the ropes and attempted to hit Blanchard with a flying forearm. Blanchard would fall to the ground and Santana would connect with Martel instead.

Martel would spend a few minutes on the apron selling the forearm before Santana went to tag his partner in. Instead of accepting the tag, Santana would drop down off the apron and refuse to tag himself in. Eventually, Martel would walk back up the ramp towards the back leaving Santana to take on both members of the Brain Busters by himself.

Martel would rant about how he didn't need Santana and that Santana was a loser. The two would feud over the course of several months, with Martel turning into his heel persona "The Model" facing off the still face Santana. The two would feud until Survivor Series in November 1989, but would sporadically have matches through 1990 as well.

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