Top 5 tag team breakups of all time in WWE

Edge and Christian

3- Edge and Christian

Edge and Christian

Edge and Christian

Another pick from the Attitude Era, Edge and Christian along with the Dudleys and Hardy Boyz gave us TLC matches which made us rethink about the concept of gravity.

The triple threat tag matches that these three teams had are etched into the history as among the best and everyone was stunned when a team of such potential broke up.

The dream of singles success was the villains here. When Edge went on to win the King Of the Ring tournament in 2001 Christian grew jealous of his Kayfabe brother and attacked him which started their feud.

Captain Charisma then turned a major heel and joined the alliance. They both feuded over the Intercontinental championship which Christian won defeating Edge in a match at Unforgiven. But Edge retained the title in a ladder match in No Mercy which put an end to the storyline.

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