Top 5 Undertaker Returns

The Undertaker has gone and returned many times in his career. 

#1 American Badass

The biggest return, and the biggest change of his entire career

Odd promos started playing on Monday Night RAW, and everyone assumed that they were calling for the return of The Undertaker. The man had been out of action since the fall of 1999, when he was forced out of action due to multiple injuries. The anticipation for his return was huge, as he had been gone for 8 months.

The Rock and Triple H had an Ironman match scheduled for Judgment Day, and when The Undertaker still hadn't shown up by the time their match began, that anticipation grew stronger. What was he going to do in that match? Did he have a chosen ally?

Time was running out and the eerie promo aired on the video screens. This time it concluded with Kid Rock's American Badass song blasting through the arena and a giant of a man rolling down the entrance way on a motorcycle. It wasn't the Dead Man, but it was still The Undertaker!

He destroyed everyone and seemingly unintentionally handed the match to Triple H, as The Rock was disqualified and lost a fall when Taker attacked The Game.

It was a stunning return with a new character, a new look, and a new attitude.

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