Why Bayley & Sasha Banks should belong on two separate WWE rosters


#1 Their ongoing feud


Let us start with the most obvious reason.

On paper, a Sasha Banks versus Bayley feud sounds quite optimistic. After all, Sasha & Bayley are two of The Four Horsewomen linked to the Women's revolution in WWE.

But as it happens to be, WWE has a pretty good track record when it comes to delivering just short of all expectations from fans.

Usually, when a feud bombs- it is either forgotten in the long run or remembered for eternity just because of how bad it was. However, this recent (possible) plot twist has made things more complicated.

Do not get me wrong, I am not condemning the inclusion of an LGBT storyline in WWE. However, in the past, this company has been guilty of portraying certain stereotypical and offensive gimmicks/storylines.

Adding that with a recent history of improperly executing their feuds- it is more than likely that the future might not hold a positive outcome for Bayley & Sasha Banks.

But with so many thematic changes in this feud, one always wonders whether this shift is a last-minute frantic attempt by WWE to revitalize an unsuccessful storyline by any means necessary.

Either that or it was Sasha's misleading delivery towards the end of their segment which prompted everyone to already make false assumptions (possibly). Only time will tell where both of these incredibly-talented wrestlers stand at the end of all this.

While it is pretty obvious that a bad feud cannot be the only reason to separate these two from the same show, it is my next reason that is even more problematic than this one.

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