WWE Great Balls of Fire: 5 potential finishes for Enzo vs. Big Cass

No titles, no rewards, just an old fashioned brawl for once

#4 The match never begins

Going by the storyline, this is a distinct possibility

For weeks, we have seen either Enzo or Cass laid out in the parking lot or backstage area, leading up to the big reveal we witnessed only a few weeks ago. Corey Graves unearthed footage of Big Cass staging false attacks and pretending to be laid out in the back, waiting to be found.

In much the same vein, we could see Big Cass come to the ring waiting for Enzo to step forward and come forth, for their big match. Enzo’s music hits and he is nowhere to be seen. We cut to the backstage area, and there he is, laid out in the parking area (in a pose made famous by Hideo Itami).

Big Cass smiles knowingly and leaves the ring, knowing that he has won, even though the match did not begin. This will establish Big Cass as a dreaded heel and can be a different way to book a traditional WWE grudge match.