5 Superstars that will suffer in the WWE main roster if NXT folds

Is it truly the end for NXT?

#2 The Revival

The Revival rise ruining their schtick if promoted to the main roster too quickly

Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder are the best heel tag team in all of WWE right now. Their ‘no flips, just fists’ style is a throwback to the golden days of tag team wrestling and has been compared to legendary tag teams like The Road Warriors.

They have consistently been in some of the best matches in WWE and have some legendary fans of their work including Stone Cold and Triple H. Also, their finishing move, The Shatter Machine, is awesome.

Why are they on this list you ask? I have three words for you. Vincent Kennedy McMahon.

As documented, Vince isn’t the biggest fan of technical wrestling and he’s an even lesser fan of smaller sized wrestlers. It’s unlikely that Vince will have faith in the technical brawling style and the chances of them getting lost in the shuffle of the main roster are very real.

In NXT however, they’re at home. They’re the top tag team heels on the roster and can continue their stellar work until a more conducive opening materialises in the main roster.