WWE Royal Rumble 2017: 5 things that should not happen at the Pay-Per-View

Here is a checklist of things WWE should avoid heading into the first pay-per-view of 2017

#2 Having Sasha Banks go over Nia Jax

Nia Jax shouldn't lose clean at the Royal Rumble

Compare Nia Jax with Braun Strowman. Yet another giant in her own right, Jax had a lot of momentum after her debut. Unlike Strowman though, she's lost clean at a number of places, completely stunting her growth as an unbeatable monster in the roster.

What she needs to regain a semblance of authenticity as a top heel again is a clean win against a star like Sasha Banks at the Rumble. A loss won't hurt Sasha, and will definitely help Jax grow.

If not, much like The Club, she too will become a victim of bad booking and lose all credibility.