WWE SmackDown Live Results 13th June 2017, Latest SmackDown Live winners and video highlights

A big statement made! 

A lot was expected on the go-home episode of SmackDown LIVE for Money In The Bank and thankfully WWE did deliver the goods in a compact yet eventful episode.

A popular star returned, The Viper and The Ravishing Russian sent out strong statements before their respective title matches and all the men involved in the MITb ladder match faced each other in the main event of the evening.

So without further adieu, let's delve right in

Opening Segment

The show opened with New Day making a grand entrance with New Orleans’ very own Soul Rebels playing their iconic tune on their way down the ramp. Truly majestic we say! As expected the trio got a huge pop as the music stopped and after giving the Rebels a shout out, the longest reigning Tag Team Champions in WWE history began to cut a promo.

They spoke about how New Orleans will host WrestleMania 34 and were confident that they will enter the show of shows as the SmackDown Tag Champs. They drop a Compton reference that was the cue for the tag team Champions to come out and interrupt the proceedings.

The Usos were followed by The Fashion Police – who were hilarious as usual – and The Colons. Big E ended the segment by promising to kick the Colons and The Usos in their buns and the first match of the night – an 8-man tag team match got underway.


The New Day & The Fashion Police vs. The Usos and The Colons

Kofi and Epico being the match with the classic jockeying for position. Kofi gets the early advantage for the faces as he takes Epico down with a giant elbow. Woods is tagged in next

Woods hit Epico with an elbow from the top rope after Kofi landed one of his own after which Fandango does the same. Fandango looked like he was in trouble for a bit but he turned things around with a little dance and tagged his partner Breeze in.

Breeze, though, was immediately taken to his opponent's corner after which one of the Usos kicked him to the mid-section The heels then took turns to beat Breezango up until he created separation with a kick after Primo and he ran off the ropes.

Some effortless double team moves were on full display as Woods and Breeze worked in tandem to hit a visually aesthetic frankenstiener into a slam. That was Positively Gorgeous!

Although Woods struggled initially he fought back with an honour roll and a slammed on both the Colons, followed by which 2 pairs of simultaneous dropkicks from both teams sent the Usos flying out of the ring.

The heels asserted control of the match during the commercial break as The Usos effectively distracted the ref to hit Breeze in the back of his neck. The heels began to inflict damage on the Gorgeous one as Jey first hits him with the running hip attack in the corner. Epico came in next, who continued the dominance with a standing vertical suplex followed by a sweet swinging backbreaker. In a really good spot, Breeze first creates separation and then pushed one of the Colon Primo into Epico, who caught his brother in a DDT position.

Breeze then delivered the clothesline with Epico DDTing his brother as result. Breeze makes the hot tag to Woods as the fans go ballistic in the arena. Woods jumped off the third rope and connected. Kofi attempted a Trouble in Paradise but missed and nearly walked into a kick but eventually hit the Trouble in Paradise. However, Jey stopped the subsequent pin.

Jey is then clotheslined out of the ring by Fandango but in what was probably a botch, he doesn't go over the ropes as intended and stays in the ring. Woods then flew from the top rope and crashed into one of the Colons with a double stomp for the win.

Result: New Day and Fashion Police def. Colons and Usos


Backstage segments/ Zack Ryder returns

AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura are seen discussing their six-man tag team match for later tonight when their over-hyped partner Sami Zayn walked in. The goofy shtick continued as Zayn nearly freaked his partners out with his plan for tonight. But hey, Nakamura didn’t mind and said that he liked the Underdog from the Underground!

Moko Rawley was interviewed by Dasha Fuentes up next as he revealed his thoughts about getting an opportunity to insert himself into the MITB match if he defeated Jinder Mahal tonight. He thanked Shane McMahon for the opportunity. He spoke about how the loss last week has made him better and just as he was done, his frown turned into a broad smile as Zack Ryder stood behind him.

The former Intercontinental Champion made his return from injury and told Rawley that they still had some unfinished business as a team. Woo Woo Woo! You know it!


Naomi vs. Tamina

Both women walked out to the ring but were interrupted by Lana before they can get started. Naomi avoided offence in the corner and unleashed right hands until Tamina took control of the bout with a headbutt. Naomi began working on the Champion as she flung her across the ring and locked in a headlock soon after.

Naomi momentarily fought back with a bunch of kicks but gets shot down with a kick to the mid-section. Another slam into the corner followed by a giant clothesline and it was all Tamina at this point.

Tamina lifted Naomi for a ride but she reversed it and side-steps a huge slam in the corner. She then goes to the top rope and immediately kicked the charging Tamina to her face. However, the champ was stopped with a huge slam after which Tamina took to the ropes. The resilient champ tripped Tamina, who eventually came crashing down to the mat and finished things with a Spilt legged moonsault.

Result: Naomi def. Tamina

Lana, who was patiently waiting by ringside, made her presence felt after the match as she blindsided Naomi from the back. She went on to hit her new finisher on the Champion – a Fisherman Spinebuster and made a big statement before her title match this Sunday at Money In The Bank.


Jinder Mahal and Randy Orton face-off

It was time for the ‘face-off’ between the headliners of Money In The Bank. The Singh Brothers came out first and introduced the WWE Champion. The Modern Day Maharaja came out to his absolutely marvellous entrance. Jinder’s production team deserves a raise for making him look like a billion bucks!

Boos rained down on Jinder before he could even open his mouth. Real heel heat right there!

Jinder commanded the crowd to stand up and respect their champ. He then said that Randy is afraid of letting down his hometown. He then mentioned that Randy's dad will be in the front row and said that Randy hasn't come down to the ring despite the fact that he just spoke about his dad because he was a coward. Jinder was on point with his mic work today as he egged the crowd to continue the USA chants in Hindi. Randy Orton’s music hits and Jinder directs the Singh Brothers to go up to the apron and give him a sound beating. But Orton was not to be seen!

However, The Viper was lurking around and ambushed Mahal from the back and hit with the RKO before running off in the crowd. A pumped up Orton celebrated and taunted the Singh Brothers from the crowd as the segment came to an end.


We then saw KO convince Corbin and Ziggler to join forces so that they aren't their own worst enemies.

Charlotte vs. Natalya

Natalya began strong with a takedown but Charlotte stood right back up. The two women exchanged holds for a takedown until Natalya got control of the Queen's arm and threw her onto the mat.

Natalya drove Charlotte into the middle turnbuckle and rained down right hands. Charlotte countered with a backslide and a knee to the face. She then hit her with a Suplex after a little bit of taunting. The Queen then took to the top rope and connected on the moonsault but it was not enough to put Natalya away.

Natalya went for the Sharpshooter but gets a slap to the face. Charlotte took advantage of the situation and hit the Natural Selection to pick up the win.

Result: Charlotte def. Natalya


This was a really solid match for the time it lasted.

Another edition of the Fashion Files was up next in which someone had the audacity to attack Tyler Breeze! Why would someone do that to the Gorgeous One?! The Fashion Po Po, though, got on with the case.

We’ve got sketches of the culprits. Any of you You guys recognise these dudes below? If yes, you know who to call!


Dolph Ziggler, WWE United States Champion Kevin Owens & Baron Corbin vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, AJ Styles and Sami Zayn

The match got underway after all the competitors made their entrances. Two men who’ve known each other all too well as of late – Ziggler and Nakamura kicked off the match. Ziggler tipped the scales in the favour of the heels as he took Nakamura down with a kick after withering the early storm.

KO got into the action and pushed The Artist into the corner. Quick tags by the heel team as Cornin was next to come in. He shoved his boot into Nakamura’s face into the corner. Ziggler came back in and applied the chin lock. Nakamura though broke out of it and landed an elbow to create separation. He somehow made it to his corner and made the tag to AJ Styles while the fans chanted Ole.

Styles came in hot and took Ziggler out with a couple of clotheslines and a pump handle gutbuster. He went for the cover but KO interrupted and broke it up. Zayn came to the aid of Styles by taking out his perennial rival. He shoved KO out of the ring and it was then time for Air Zayn as he leapt off on the US Champion with a Tope Con Hilo. Ole....Ole Ole Ole...Ole...Ole!

Meanwhile, in the ring, Styles went for the Styles Clash, however, Ziggler countered it with the DDT.

We returned to see Zayn in his opponents' corner in a headlock. He then ate a stiff kick and a stomp to the face. KO was then tagged in and the face of America stomped Sami with glee. Owens attempted a Senton but Zayn got his knees up just in time. The Champ got to his feet and spiked Sami on to the mat with a DDT.

Corbin walked into the ring and Sami tried to fight back but Baron threw him off with a baseball slide out of the ring and a clothesline. Kevin Owens looked to capitalise but Sami reversed into a blue thunder power bomb. Sami almost made it but Corbin stopped him. Corbin then flung him into Ziggler.

However, a clothesline gave Zayn some space and he then went on to throw both Ziggler and Owens out of the ring. Corbin attempted a slam but Zayn reversed just in time. Just as he was about to make the tag, however, Styles and Shinsuke get tripped off the apron by Ziggler and Owens. The exhausted Sami Zayn managed to connect a Helluva kick on Corbin for the win.

Result: Styles, Nakamura and Zayn def. Owens, Corbin and Ziggler


It was complete pandemonium after the match ended as Ziggler began to attack Zayn. A ladder got introduced by Owens, who along with Ziggler took Styles out with the steel structure. Corbin took the Face Of America and The Show Off out before more damage was done. Corbin then set up the ladder and proceeded to climb up to the briefcase only to be stopped by the Artist himself.

Shinsuke Nakamura pushed the ladder with Corbin on it and hit the Lone Wolf with the Kinshasa. He then made his way up to the top of the ladder and unhooked the MITB briefcase, making a big statement to end the show with the fans in New Orleans chanting his name. Does this mean Nak Nak isn’t winning if WWE’s booking pattern is taken into consideration? Only time will tell!

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