WWE Top Five Rumors of the week and analysis: 1 August 2017

Talent cuts coming soon?

#3 Rumours about superstar shake up

Superstar Shake-up coming up?

The Rumour: This past week, there were some conflicting rumours about the superstar shake up. PW Insider and Observer noted that there will be a superstar shake-up after SummerSlam while Pro Wrestling Sheet notes that there won’t be one until next WrestleMania.

The Potential: Last time around, the Superstar Shake-Up turned out to be a moderate success. While holding it after SummerSlam might yield similar results, holding one after WrestleMania would be more impactful. The Post-WrestleMania period is usually the time when WWE sows the seeds for new storylines and a Superstar Shake-Up would complement the same.

The Fallout: If WWE holds a shake-up after SummerSlam, then we can eliminate the WrestleMania possibility and vice versa.

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