WWE Top Five rumours of the week and analysis: 4th December 2017

Did you miss some big things?

3) Dolph Ziggler is very unhappy

Could The Show Off take off?

The Rumour:

Dolph Ziggler has been showing off for the WWE Universe since he made his debut as a member of the Spirit Squad. He was sent back to OVW after his stint as a male cheerleader but soon re-emerged as the Ziggler we know today. Since then he's had a great career of stealing the show and winning titles although his career seems to be relegated to putting people over at this point.

Ziggler appeared on E&C's Pod Of Awesomeness where he expressed quite a bit of frustration with his current position in the company because he's not the top guy.

I hate that I’m not the champion. I hate that the show is not about me because that’s the mentality you should have if you’re in the business. If you’re the ‘Hey I want to be the opening guy who works for 10 years and saves a bunch of money,’ (guy) that’s great. But there’s a thousand other guys in the back that say, ‘I want to be the best. I want to main event WrestleMania, I want the show to be about me.'”

The Potential:

When Dolph Ziggler's WWE contract is finally up, who knows if he might just "future endeavour" himself to seek out is own destiny in the entertainment world. With his stand up comedy career coupled with other extracurricular offerings he might have on the table, who knows if Ziggler might find himself as a top guy elsewhere soon enough.

The Fallout:

Losing a guy like Dolph Ziggler might not seem like a huge deal but he has been a mainstay in WWE for quite a while now. It might be the kind of thing where you don't know what you've got until it's gone. After all, Ziggler has done a lot to make plenty of people look as good as possible in the ring for quite some time now and he's still able to perform in any environment you put him in. Let's cross our fingers on this one, because although it might be easy to hate him it's just because he plays his character so well on TV. The truth is Ziggler is still one of the best workers WWE has at their disposal.

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