2014 NBA Top 20: #16 - #13


We went “big”, literally in our first instalment of NBA Top 20. The players to appear in our list of #20-#17 were all big forwards/centres, who are monsters both on and off the court.

It is now time for us to move and reveal the next lot. Surprisingly our next four includes all guards. So you can now have the best of both worlds to begin with.

So without much adieu, here is our list of players from 16 up to 13.

16. Dwyane Wade

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In the age of “one and done” in the NBA draft, Dwayne Wade is a rare commodity. Wade had improved in his college stint and came out of Marquette as a senior in 2003. While his athletic ability was unquestionable, his aptitude for putting that to use at the highest level was always a big question mark.

In the years to follow, Wade did more than merely silence his critics. He forced them to write paragraph after paragraph in praise of his abilities on the court, affixing his name in the upper echelons of the game’s greatest shooting guards. Now he is being asked to prove himself again.

Ever since the end of last season, the critics have been loud and clear in their opinion. Wade is no longer the alpha male and that too was a conscious decision. Wade’s stats have taken a tumble ever since the three came together in 2010 but for the greater good of the team.

With his edgy style of play which invites body contact, injury problems walk hand in hand. Wade is walking into his 11th season and with a body that has been banged up on numerous occasions. Wade’s average last year in the playoffs dipped to 13.3 points per game while shooting 45.8% down from 52.1% during the regular season.

While there is no doubt about the level at which Wade can still play, it might not come down to him in the final line. His kamikaze drives coupled with a worrisome knee will have to bring a change of style in Wade in the same mode by which Kobe and prior to him Jordan changed to prolong their careers. Wade has been an elite NBA player from the time he walked on to the hardwood in the NBA, whether he stays there, it’s up to him and this season.

15. Deron Williams

It was only three years ago when fans threw a fit while debating on who the best point guard in the NBA was. The two top names that came out of the hat were Chris Paul and Deron Williams. You do that now, and it becomes a derisory.

From the top level to a “has been”, Williams has more questions to answer than he would like. It’s not only his game but his ability to lead and build confidence in his team-mates that have come under scrutiny as well.

His spat with Jerry Sloan, which ended the tenure of both the All-Star and the future HOF doesn’t go down in the books with any kind of shine either. The trajectory path of Williams’ career has plummeted like the stock exchanges in 2008.

With Joe Johnson, Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, Brook Lopez and first year Head Coach Jason Kidd amongst the star-cast assembled at Brooklyn, the expectations are as high as it could be,

Team success strengthens ones individual legacy, as it often does in basketball. Williams now has a chance at coming back to the spot light with a certain generosity from Mr. Mikhail Prokhorov. The billionaire has splashed his money to bring an array of stars to the Brooklyn Nets and Williams stands to profit the most.

This brings forth Williams and his break or bust season. Williams will be held responsible if he fails to get the best of out of a starting five that includes All-Stars and ex All-Stars, while he will have the chance to garner praise from all and sundry if he can be the glue guy that sets the team up for success.

14. Rajon Rondo

It has long been acknowledged that Rajon Rondo was the best player in the Boston Celtics but this time around the chip on the shoulder is even bigger. Gone are the big-three who turned the franchise around. Now it’s a solo act with what now seems a collection of numbers rather than names. It will be on Rondo’s shoulder to not only facilitate the offense but produce some of his own as well.

Rondo will not only be the player that his teammates will look to on the floor to make a play but also the man off it to lead the spirit. He was to take over the mantle of Kevin Garnett in becoming the soul of the team and binds it together. The biggest thing working in Rondo’s favour is that he is a win-win situation.

No one in the league doubts the pedigree of one of the best pure point guards, having produced the goods year in year out. However with a rebuilding team that is expected to do quite badly this time around Rondo will surely be given the benefit of doubt. However if Rajzilla can propel his team to some kind of success, the accolades are there to be won.

13. Kyrie Irving

The Cavaliers had the privilege of the 1st pick in this years but it’s the 1st pick of the 2011 draft that all will have their eyes on when Cleveland hit the hardwood this season.

Kyrie Irving has etched out his identity in his two years in the NBA. In the space of two years, the young point guard has re-kindled the hope of Cavalier fans. His presence is the one singular reason why they have moved on from the devastating blow of LeBron James’ departure three years ago with such haste.

Irving garnered his first All-Star game call up last season which was preceded by “rookie of the year” honours in his first. Now it’s on to bigger things for Irving as he now needs to channel his personal prowess towards pushing Cavaliers back into the playoffs for the first time in four years.

The additions of Anthony Bennett, this year’s first overall pick coupled with the free agency pick-ups of Jarrett Jack and Andrew Bynum should help in that regard, but Cavaliers will only go as far as Irving will take them. It’s his team now; he is the leader and alpha male that everyone is going to look up to.

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