5 Yoga Poses to Do at Your Nearest Yoga Center

Yoga poses offer incredible mental and physical benefits. (Photo via Pexels/Yan Krukov)
Yoga poses offer incredible mental and physical benefits. (Photo via Pexels/Yan Krukov)

There are many great reasons to visit your nearest yoga center and give the ancient practice a try.

Regular yoga practice helps improve your physical issues, such as back pain, constipation, and chronic illnesses. It also works wonders for your mental health, allowing you to become more positive and happier in life.

Yoga helps you relax, reduces anxiety and depression, and even improves your sleeping pattern. If weight loss is on your mind, no other practice is as effective and safe as yoga.

If all these reasons convince you to give yoga a try, take the plunge and visit your nearest yoga center to start your practice. As a newbie, however, make sure to start with some easy poses to understand their basics and proper technique. Not sure where to start? Look no further than the yoga poses given below.

Standing forward bend, downward-facing dog, and 3 other yoga poses to try at your nearest yoga center

Remember to hold each of the poses for at least 20 seconds, and do not stop breathing in between asanas. Stretch gently and perform each movement under control.

1) Mountain pose or Tadasana

Here's how to do this pose correctly:

  • Stand tall with both your feet together and arms alongside your body. Keep your heels slightly apart and spread your toes to evenly place your weight on your feet.
  • Rotate your thigh muscles inward and keep your shoulders relaxed while bringing your shoulder blades down and back.
  • Maintain this position and try to lengthen your spine. You may also position your hands in the Anjali Mudra in front of your chest.
  • Stay in the posture for a few seconds, close your eyes, and take slow and deep breaths.

2) Standing forward bend or Hastapadasana

Here's how to do this pose correctly:

  • Stand tall with your feet close to one another and your arms on the sides. Ensure that your body weight is evenly balanced on both feet.
  • Slowly move your hands over your head and then bring them down as you bend forward from your waist.
  • Try to touch the floor if you can, or simply grab your ankles for a more comfortable position.
  • Stay in the posture for a few counts and then come back up.

3) Downward-facing dog or Adho Mukha Shvanasana

Here's how to do this pose correctly:

  • Take a tabletop position with your wrists under your shoulders and knees underneath your hips.
  • Gently push your hands on the floor to lift your hips. As you do this, try to straighten your legs. Allow your head to rest in a stable position and rotate your arms so that your collarbones get widened.
  • Move your thighs inward while keeping your tailbone high. Press your heels into the floor and stay in this position for as long as you can.

4) Triangle pose or Trikonasana

Here's how to do this pose correctly:

  • Stand upright with both your feet wide apart. Now move your left leg out at about 90 degrees while keeping your feet pressed against the floor. Ensure that you balance your weight evenly on both feet.
  • Breathe easily and extend your left hand toward the floor and your right hand toward the ceiling.
  • Keep your gaze on the top hand and maintain this position for a few counts.
  • Come back up and switch sides to repeat.

5) Child’s pose or Balasana

Here's how to do this pose correctly:

  • Take a kneeling position. Bring your big toes together and slowly lean back to sit on your heels. Move your knees apart and position them at your hip-width distance.
  • Now move your upper body forward and lay your torso between your inner thighs.
  • Rest your head on the floor just in front of you and extend your arms in front of your body. Alternatively, you can keep your arms alongside your body with your palms facing up.
  • Stay in the pose for a few seconds, close your eyes and relax.


These were some of the basic poses that you must surely do at your nearest yoga center to start your fitness journey. Apart from these asanas, you should expect to do a series of other poses and breathing exercises, depending on what type of yoga you choose.

To make the most out of your class, however, you must listen to your trainer and practice each asana correctly and safely. Most importantly, give yourself time to properly learn these poses and be consistent in your practice.

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