Five Bigger Butt Exercises for Your Home Workout

Bigger butt exercises that you can do at home. (Image via Unsplash/Dainis Graveris)
Butt exercises can be done at home. (Image via Unsplash/Dainis Graveris)

There are numerous butt exercises you can incorporate in your home workout. These exercises can enable you to get stronger glutes along with adding muscle mass to your backside.

Greater strength and muscle mass in the back can also enhance your functional movement, aiding with everyday movements such as sitting, jumping, walking, and more.

Best Bigger Butt Exercises at Home

We have curated a list of the five best and most effective butt exercises you can include in your home workout with minimal equipment.

1) Banded Side Step

It engages the hip muscles and glutes. This butt exercise can also enable you to get toned thighs along with increasing strength in the lower body.


How to do banded side steps:

  • Begin in an upright standing position, with your feet placed apart at shoulder distance.
  • Loop your resistance band right around the ankles and knees. This will allow you to feel the resistance outwards of the glutes and legs.
  • Drive your hips downwards for about a quarter, and bend your knees.
  • Step to your left side with your left foot before returning it back to the center position.
  • Repeat on the other side. Change sides, and continue.

2) Single Leg Deadlift

It can help build power in the legs. This butt exercise can also help in enhancing core stability and improving body balance.


How to do single leg deadlifts:

  • Start in an upright standing position with both feet together and hands on the side.
  • Slightly bend your knees so that they do not get locked out, and engage the core muscles.
  • Hinge down your hips by bringing the upper torso to the front and parallel to the ground.
  • Simultaneously, raise one leg to the back at hip height while keeping it straight.
  • Bring your body back to the center position, and repeat.
  • Repeat the same on the other side.

3) Donkey Kick

It can help firm up the lower body while engaging all three glute muscles.


How to do donkey kicks:

  • Get down on the ground on all fours, which is both knees and palms.
  • Make sure the knees are apart at hip distance, keeping the spine neutral and hands aligned with the shoulders.
  • Keep your core braced before raising one leg off the ground and upwards while keeping the knee bent at 90 degrees.
  • Drive your feet to the sky with squeezed glute muscles, and hold.
  • Return the leg to the center position, and repeat.
  • Continue on the other side.

4) Glute Bridge

It's an incredibly excellent butt exercises that can enhance hip stability along with engaging the core muscles.


How to do glute bridges:

  • Start in the lying down position with the soles of both feet on the ground and hands on the sides.
  • Raise your hips to the air, maintaining good posture.
  • Hold before gently releasing.

5) Walking Lunge

It's an excellent butt exercise that can not only tone and strengthen the glute muscles but also help in enhancing body balance and work on the quadriceps.


How to do walking lunges:

  • Begin in an upright standing position.
  • Take a big step forward with one leg before lowering your body to the ground so that the front leg creates an angle of 90 degress while the back knee hovers just above the ground.
  • Bring your body back to the standing position, and repeat by bringing the rear leg to the front.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned butt exercises are some of the best and most effective ones to get stronger and firmer butt.

A stronger butt can provide several benefits, including improved functional movements, enhanced athletic performance, transference of strength to weight lifting exercises, and toned body.

It's recommended to perform these exercises twice a week to reap the maximum benefits. You can add weight to your routine for added challenge and resistance.

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