Natural Bodybuilding vs Steroid Bodybuilding: Which is Better?

(Photo by Raghavendra V. Konkathi on Unsplash)
"Natural Bodybuilding vs. Steroid Bodybuilding" is one of the most debated topics in the bodybuilding community (Photo by Raghavendra V. Konkathi on Unsplash)

"Natural Bodybuilding vs. Steroid Bodybuilding" is one of the most debated as well as one of the most contentious topics in the bodybuilding community. Both steroids and natural bodybuilding have indeed been practiced for a long time, and each group believes that their method is the "right" way to build a body. However, before reaching a conclusion, it is absolutely imperative to distinguish between the two and then decide which is superior.

What Exactly Is Natural Bodybuilding?

The method of natural bodybuilding arose as a reaction to conventional bodybuilding. The emphasis remains on muscle building, but only in a natural way, with no performance-enhancing substances such as anabolic steroids.

Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, a male sex hormone that is one of the biggest factors in muscle growth.

The sport is based on a holistic approach with four pillars, according to the German organization (GNBF) in the International Natural Bodybuilding Association:

  • Training
  • Nutrition
  • Recovery
  • Positive thinking

Natural Body Builders

Bodybuilders, by definition, who do not use synthesized steroids or other drugs to gain muscle mass or become leaner (Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash)
Bodybuilders, by definition, who do not use synthesized steroids or other drugs to gain muscle mass or become leaner (Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash)

Bodybuilders who do not use synthesized steroids or other drugs to gain muscle mass or become leaner are natural bodybuilders. They rely entirely on heavy weight lifting, a healthy diet, and plenty of rest.

Natural bodybuilders may not be able to gain as much muscle mass as steroid users, but they do build muscles that last. Moreover, they have better overall health and faster metabolism, in addition to building muscles that last.

This method of bodybuilding lowers blood pressure, increases bone density, and regulates cholesterol levels. It boosts your metabolism, lowers your fat percentage, and is an excellent stress reliever.

Steroid Bodybuilding

These bodybuilders use anabolic-androgenic steroids (Photo by Gorilla Freak on Unsplash)
These bodybuilders use anabolic-androgenic steroids (Photo by Gorilla Freak on Unsplash)

These bodybuilders use anabolic-androgenic steroids. These drugs are a synthetic form of testosterone (the male hormone) that is injected into the body for quick benefits but are illegal in most competitions.

Steroids may give you the pump to train at a higher level than you could possibly do naturally. Your recovery rate will be faster, you will be able to train for longer and build more muscle mass, but all of this comes with several side effects and is potentially dangerous, in the long run.

Some of the serious side- effects of taking steroids for bodybuilding include:

  • Hormonal imbalances – Suppressed Testosterone Production
  • Infertility, low libido, testicular atrophy, Gynecomastia (breast tissue growth in a man)
  • Accelerated hair loss
  • Skin issues- acne/oily skin
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased LDL cholesterol, hypertension, increased risk of stroke/heart attack
  • Liver toxicity
  • Kidney damage, fluid retention
  • Mental health Issues, insomnia, mood swings
  • Increased risk of premature death

Natural vs Steroids Bodybuilder

People will most likely achieve the goal without the use of any artificial/synthetic drugs (Photo by Joran Quinten on Unsplash)
People will most likely achieve the goal without the use of any artificial/synthetic drugs (Photo by Joran Quinten on Unsplash)

Surely, one can see why going the natural route is the better option! If someone wants to improve their appearance and overall health without any negative side effects, natural bodybuilding is the way to go.

Finding ways to increase natural testosterone production rather than relying on steroids, which have dangerous health risks and eventually cause muscle loss, is the best way to stay healthy and maintain a muscular body for a long time. If one is willing to train hard and follow a proper plan, people will most likely achieve the goal without the use of any artificial/synthetic drugs.

Reasons To Be a Natural Bodybuilder:

1. Maintain Good Physical Health

Maintaining your physical health is critical to your overall well-being. Steroid use can cause heart problems, kidney problems, and acne, to name a few side effects. As a result, the body is likely to despise the user for engaging in an anabolic steroid cycle.

2. Maintain Good Mental Health

Maintaining mental health is also important for overall well-being. When a person is high on drugs, they become a different person. One begins to think and act differently, and in some cases, this type of change can have fatal consequences.

3. Maintain Consistent Gains

Gains made in natural bodybuilding process may be easier to maintain and provide a sense of accomplishment when achieved with no special assistance.


Natural bodybuilding is a counter-movement to traditional bodybuilding that promotes natural muscle growth without the use of performance-enhancing drugs.

Doping substances used in traditional bodybuilding, such as anabolic steroids, increases the risk of a variety of health problems, including strokes, heart attacks, liver failure, and psychiatric disorders.

The natural bodybuilder focuses on building muscle by eating a well-balanced diet high in protein and carbohydrates, as well as performing well-designed workouts with adequate rest periods.

Athletes are subjected to strict controls in every competition to ensure that anti-doping requirements are met - Only Cologne List supplements are permitted.

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