Try the LISS Cardio to effectively shed your belly fat

Losing Fat with LISS Cardio
Losing Fat with LISS Cardio (Image via Getty Images)

Low-Intensity Steady State (LISS cardio) is a type of aerobic exercise that emphasizes prolonged and consistent efforts at a low intensity. This form of exercise is characterized by maintaining a steady heart rate and is designed to be gentle on the joints.

Common forms of LISS cardio include activities such as walking, cycling, or swimming, which are performed at a moderate pace for an extended duration. The key to this cardio is the maintenance of effort over a period, which is effective in burning fat and enhancing cardiovascular endurance.

It is an inclusive form of exercise that caters to individuals at different levels of fitness, making it a versatile option for many.

LISS Cardio routine

Cardio (Image via Unsplash/Caley)
Cardio (Image via Unsplash/Caley)

Frequency: To align with your fitness objectives and personal schedule, it's beneficial to aim for about 3 to 5 LISS cardio sessions each week.

Duration: Initiating your routine with sessions lasting 20 to 30 minutes is a sensible starting point. As your fitness level ascends, you can incrementally extend the duration of your workouts.

Intensity: Target a heart rate that hovers around 50-60 percent of your maximum, a level where carrying on a conversation remains comfortable, indicating an appropriate intensity for LISS.

Warm-Up: Embark on each session with a 5-10 minute warm-up, which could involve a gentle walk, a slow jog, or dynamic stretching to prime your body for the activity ahead.

Cardio (Image via Unsplash/Gabin)
Cardio (Image via Unsplash/Gabin)

Main LISS Activity Options

  • Brisk Walking: Select a flat and secure environment for a steady-paced walk. Options include outdoor paths or a treadmill.
  • Cycling: Cycle at a uniform pace, whether on an open road or a stationary bike, ensuring the terrain is relatively flat.
  • Swimming: Engage in swimming laps at a consistent, controlled pace in a swimming pool.
  • Elliptical Trainer: Utilize an elliptical machine, keeping to a low resistance setting and a continuous pace.
  • Rowing: Use a rowing machine to row at a moderate pace, concentrating on maintaining correct technique.

Workout Structure

  • Begin at a pace that allows you to stay within your predetermined heart rate zone.
  • Persist with this steady pace for the planned duration of the workout.
  • Refrain from incorporating sprints or high-intensity intervals; the emphasis should be on maintaining a low intensity throughout.
  • Pay attention to keeping your posture upright and movements fluid to avert injuries.

Cool-Down: Conclude each LISS session with a 5-10 minute cool-down phase. Gradually lessen your activity's intensity to bring down your heart rate and help prevent muscle tightness.

Stretching: Post cool-down, engage in stretches to enhance your flexibility and ease muscle tension. Prioritize stretching the major muscle groups involved in your exercise, such as the legs, arms, and back.

Hydration: Ensure that you drink water consistently throughout your LISS cardio workout to stay hydrated.

Cardio (Image via Unsplash/Gabin)
Cardio (Image via Unsplash/Gabin)

Progression: As your endurance improves, consider lengthening your LISS sessions by 5-10 minutes. You might also occasionally vary the intensity or switch up the activities for a diverse and stimulating exercise routine.

How does it help you?

Improved Cardiovascular Health: LISS cardio contributes positively to heart and lung efficiency by bolstering cardiovascular stamina. This type of exercise fortifies the heart muscle, contributes to a lower resting heart rate, and fosters improved blood flow.

Fat Burning: LISS cardio is efficient in metabolizing fat as its main energy source. During extended sessions of low intensity, the body utilizes fat reserves for energy, which supports weight management and can result in fat reduction over time.

Stress Reduction: The rhythmic and unhurried nature of LISS exercises can induce a soothing effect, aiding in stress alleviation and fostering mental wellness. It offers a respite for the mind and a chance for mental decompression.

Cardio (Image via Unsplash/Victor Frietas)
Cardio (Image via Unsplash/Victor Frietas)

Improved Endurance: Regular engagement in LISS workouts can lead to enhanced stamina, simplifying daily tasks, and boosting performance in various sports and other physical activities.

Weight Management: When LISS cardio is paired with a nutritious diet, it can play a significant role in maintaining or achieving weight loss by increasing the number of calories burned throughout the day.

Remember that the effectiveness of LISS cardio depends on consistency and duration. To achieve the best results, it's essential to maintain a steady pace over an extended period, typically 30 minutes or more.

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