Yoga for Constipation: 5 Simple Poses for Relief

(Image via Unsplash/Katerina May)
Yoga for constipation (Image via Unsplash/Katerina May)

Yoga for constipation is highly effective, as it can help in easing the discomfort and pain of digestive troubles.

Yoga for constipation provides you relief by boosting blood flow, increasing oxygen flow in the system, massaging the digestive organs, relieving wind from the body, and leading to a healthy excretion system. All these factors can result in providing you with relief from constipation and maintaining a healthy digestive system.

In this article, we will discuss yoga poses for constipation that can provide you quick relief.

Yoga for Constipation: Poses That Will Provide You Relief

Here's a look at five such poses;

1) Supine Spinal Twist

This is one of the best yoga for constipation and can provide you relief by reducing bloating, gently massaging the internal organs, and aiding in detoxification. This yoga pose can also help in reducing lower back pain and improving back health.


How to do it:

  • Begin by lying down in a flat position on the ground with your arms raised to the sides at shoulder height, creating a T with your legs extended to the front.
  • While keeping the shoulders pressed onto the ground, gently bend one knee, and drop the same over the opposite leg to feel the stretch in your abdomen and back.
  • Breathe deep in this pose for a few minutes before repeating the same on the opposite side.

2) Cobra Pose

It's another good yoga for constipation, as it can help in reducing gas and promoting detoxification. This pose can stretch the posterior chain, boost flexibility, and improve posture too.


How to do it:

  • Begin this pose in a flat lying-down position on the ground with your toes angled outwards.
  • Press your palms on the ground to your sides, right next to your shoulders.
  • Engage the leg and core muscles before slightly raising your head and curling your neck to the back.
  • Press onto your palms to elevate your upper body, and raise your shoulders.
  • Stay in this pose for a few breaths before gently releasing.

3) Wind Relieving Pose

This is among the easy yoga poses for constipation that even beginners can do without difficulty. It can help alleviate gas and improve gut health.


How to do it:

  • Begin by lying down on your back with your knees bent before pulling them closer to your chest.
  • Wrap both arms around your claves to bring your legs closer to your chest.
  • Keep your lower back pressed onto the ground, and tuck your chin into your chest.
  • Hold for a few deep breaths before gently releasing.

4) Crescent Lunge Twist

This is another decent yoga pose for constipation, which can provide you relief by promoting bowel movement. It involves simple movements that can help in building strength in the lower body and stretching the upper body.


How to do it:

  • Begin this yoga pose in an elongated standing position.
  • Bring one leg to the front, and lunge at the ground with your leg at the back straight and your front leg bent at 90 degrees.
  • Bring your hands together in the front in a prayer position before bending your upper body, leading by your shoulders to the front knee that's bent.
  • Hold the pose for a few deep breaths before gently releasing.
  • Repeat on the other side.

5) Bow Pose

This is among the best yoga poses for constipation, as it can help in alleviating most problems associated with digestion. You should be careful with this pose, as it involves advanced movements.


How to do it:

  • Begin by lying on your stomach, with your knees bent to the back.
  • Clasp your ankles by reaching your arms to the back.
  • Gently elevate your chest off the floor. While maintaining constant tension in the body, raise your upper thighs and upper body off the ground till you're comfortable.
  • Hold for a few moments before gently releasing.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned poses can provide you with both short-term and long-term benefits when done regularly.

Yoga for constipation also provides several other benefits, including stress management, stretching and strengthening of the body, elongating the spine, boosting blood circulation, and more. Considering the benefits of these yoga for constipation poses, you should include them in your daily routine.

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