10 bad bookings at WWE Backlash 2018

Roman Reigns main-eventing the show once again was a bad booking of Backlash
Roman Reigns main-eventing the show once again was a bad booking of Backlash

WWE Backlash was a mixed pay-per-view for the viewers and critics. The opening match between The Miz and Seth Rollins made us believe that this was going to be an enthralling PPV. Alas, the follow-up matches shattered it.

Surely, there were many other positives to pick up from the show. The musical interlude between Elias, The New Day, Bobby Roode and others proved to be more than just a filler. Moreover, Nia Jax's successful title defense established her as a more dominating and determined champion.

However, the show could have been better if some bookings were ameliorated. Here are ten bad bookings at WWE Backlash.

Also Read: 6 Botches you probably missed at WWE Backlash

#10 No significance of Pre-show match

Bayley and Ruby Riott kicked off Backlash
Bayley and Ruby Riott kicked off Backlash

The Cruiserweight and Tag Team Championships weren't defended on the show. As a result, the storyline surrounding those weren't moved forward. However, WWE decided to give the storyline circumscribing Bayley and Sasha Banks a chance.

Bayley and Ruby Riott faced each other while the rest of Riott Squad members were in the ringside. Where was Sasha Banks? Well, she was watching the match backstage on an LED screen.

Now, this was a very confusing booking from WWE. It would have been better if this match took place on Raw. Why waste the pre-show for this? The fans would have been more geared up if the Cruiserweights showed up, or a Battle Royale took place.

#9 No title change

Jeff Hardy regained the United States Title
Jeff Hardy regained the United States Title

As mentioned here, one of the major negative points of Backlash was no title changed hands. Surely, we didn't want both the mid-card titles to be on SmackDown. But, the United States or SmackDown Women's Championship could have done the honors.

As a result, the PPV looked extremely dull. Moreover other than the WWE title match, the other title matches looked meaningless. Unpredictability and element of surprise were totally absent from this PPV.

Even the Greatest Royal Rumble crowned a new tag team champion and it was tagged as a "glorified house show". Backlash proved to be worse than it.

#8 No outside interferences and heel turns

No Finn Balor at Backlash
No Finn Balor at Backlash

If no title change wasn't enough, there weren't even outside interferences and heel turns. Now thinking about it, a plethora of options comes to our minds.

Finn Balor could have attacked Seth Rollins after his match. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson could have helped AJ Styles, or even turn their backs. But, did we get to see any of it? The answer is a big NO.

The only post-match altercation which took place was that between Big Cass and Daniel Bryan. But, this has been kept on happening even in SmackDown. It would have been more relevant if the Miz assisted Big Cass.

#7 Bobby Roode in a comedy segment

Bobby Roode wasn't needed in the comedy segment
Bobby Roode wasn't needed in the comedy segment

As mentioned here, Bobby Roode is one of the greatest wrestlers in TNA history. How does WWE use him? Well, they book him in a comic segment and make him chant 'Glorious'.

While the segment was fun to watch, it is disheartening to see Bobby Roode in it. He is a heel who would do anything to win the title. He is the heel in whose dictionary the words kindness, warmth and sympathy doesn't exist. What he isn't is a guy sharing the stage with Titus Worldwide in a comedy segment.

This is the reason why Cody left WWE and Kenny Omega won't sign with the company. WWE repeatedly fails to properly book independent stars. The quicker Bobby Roode turns heel, the better.

#6 The tag team match was used as a bathroom break

Four elite competitors in a Bathroom Break match
Four elite competitors in a Bathroom Break match

Braun Strowman, Bobby Lashley, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are four of the top performers of WWE. However, they didn't know how to fit them in Backlash. So, they decided to make them fight each other in a tag team match.

While the idea seems somewhat good, its execution of having it sandwiched between two 15-minute plus match isn't. These two teams met each other two weeks ago at Raw. Why let them go against each other again?

Moreover, it being a "bathroom break" match aggravated the situation. It didn't make any of the competitors look strong. All four of them got buried and subverted their status.

#5 Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn looking to go separate ways

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn have tensions building between them
Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn have tensions building between them

As mentioned in the previous slide, WWE used the tag team match as a 'Bathroom Break'. If that was not all, it looks like Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are set to go separate ways.

It will be too early if they did so. Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens breaking up was fun to watch. It was because of the things they did when they were together.

Chris Jericho re-invented himself with the 'List of Jericho.' Kevin Owens won the Universal Title with his help. They teased about breaking-off multiple times. Finally, they did so at the 'Festival of Friendship'.

Meanwhile, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens haven't done anything of that reputation. They were the top heels of Smackdown but were mostly involved in protecting their job. At Raw, they have stuck their nose with Kurt Angle. However, they haven't reached the ending point of it. It is better if they stick around and pull the trigger later.

#4 Clean victory for Carmella

Carmella retained her title clean
Carmella retained her title cleanly

One of the other losers coming out of the show was "The Queen" Charlotte Flair. She baffled the WWE Universe when Asuka tapped out to her at Wrestlemania. What happens 32 days later? She loses clean to a woman who wasn't even on the main card!

It looks like Carmella is set to receive a "Jinder push". At least the self-proclaimed Modern-day Maharaja didn't defeat Randy clean in any of their meetings. But, Carmella got a clean victory pretty soon enough.

It would have been too early for Carmella to lose the title. But, that doesn't mean she should have won clean. Charlotte would have been protected if she lost due to the IIconics' interference.

Giving a clean victory to Carmella doesn't elevate her status. It only makes Charlotte a loser.

#3 Big Cass losing in a quick fashion

Daniel Bryan made quick work out of Big Cass
Daniel Bryan made quick work out of Big Cass

This match could have catapulted Big Cass' position as the "next big thing" in the WWE. He didn't need to win the match for that. A good fight to Daniel Bryan could have done the trick.

But, what did he do? He even didn't resist while the Yes Lock was locked in. The 30-year-old claimed on SmackDown that the match was going to be a '5-second match'. While the match lasted around eight minutes, he failed to make an impact on it.

The aftermath was a result of WWE trying to make Big Cass look strong. It would have been better if he did that in their match. A monster doesn't tap out to a 5ft 7inch guy in a quick fashion. He demolishes him.

#2 Another 'Dream Match' wasted

It was the right time to have the 'Dream Match'
It was the right time to make it a 'Dream Match'

WWE's way of booking Nakamura and Styles is pretty awkward. A simple story where the winner takes the title could have been effective. But, they took the long route.

They faced each other off at Wrestlemania. Nakamura lost clean. Venting out his frustration, he turned heel. He attacked Styles the weeks following on Smackdown. AJ Styles showed his aggressive side by retaliating at the 'Greatest Royal Rumble.' It should have been over at Backlash in their No DQ meeting.

But, No! The match ended in a double count-out and the rivalry continues. Undoubtedly, they have improved each time they met. However, the fans are losing their interest as it goes forward.

It looks like they are set to face each other once again at Money in the Bank. This time better be the last time. Moreover, the 'Dream Match' delivers this time.

#1 What was the main event?

Why does Roman keep on main-eventing PPVs?
Why does Roman keep on main-eventing PPVs?

Which match would main event the show? This question kept on revolving in the minds of pro-wrestling fans. They prayed for AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura to close the show. Alas, it went in vain.

People weren't booing Nakamura when he made his entrance. They were letting their frustration out on the management for not letting him and Styles main-event it. The illogical finish isn't the answer. The real answer is Vince's inability to see other Superstars snatching Roman Reigns' spotlight.

It looks like WWE haven't given up on the Roman Reigns project. If they keep on pushing Roman like that, the fans won't buy him. The "expected top guy" of the company garnered more haters by this decision.

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