WWE SmackDown Live Results 13 March 2018, latest SmackDown Live winners and video highlights

AJ Styles kicked off the show
AJ Styles kicked off the show

AJ Styles opened the show

AJ Styles came out to a raucous ovation and expressed his joy at overcoming the odds at Fastlane. He was in a world of pain when John Cena put him through the table, but the former Bullet Club man held his own and punched his ticket to WrestleMania.

Styles said that he was very happy to face Shinsuke Nakamura at WrestleMania, calling the IWGP Intercontinental Champion "one of the biggest Japanese professional wrestlers of all time." However, just as the reigning WWE Champion was getting into his stride, Nakamura made his way to the ring.

The King of Strong Style got on the microphone and admitted to respecting Styles but was adamant that he would win SmackDown Live's biggest prize at WrestleMania. Before the Phenomenal One could respond, he was interrupted by Rusev, his opponent for the show.


AJ Styles vs. Rusev

Nakamura saved AJ Styles
Nakamura saved AJ Styles

The match got underway with Nakamura at ringside and didn't do much to inspire momentum following a lacklustre opening segment. Rusev had the beating of Styles at the onset, but the former NJPW standout connected with a dropkick and flung the Bulgarian Brute outside the ring, following up with a plancha.

However, as the action returned to the ring, Rusev regained a measure of control as he hit Arn Anderson's patented spinebuster. Even though Lana's husband appeared to have taken the initiative, Styles capitalized on a scramble to lock in the Calf Crusher. However, before he could force Rusev to submit, Aiden English intervened, causing a disqualification.


AJ Styles def Rusev via disqualification

After the match, English and Rusev started to launch a brutal attack on Styles. At first, Nakamura looked content to watch, but he eventually decided to rescue his WrestleMania opponent, laying waste to both English and Rusev.

Jimmy Uso and Big E vs. The Bludgeon Brothers

The Bludgeon Brothers laid waste to Jimmy Uso and Big E
The Bludgeon Brothers laid waste to Jimmy Uso and Big E

Jimmy Uso and Big E entered first. The duo decided to launch a pre-emptive strike, attacking the Bludgeon Brothers as they looked to remove their coats. Uso and Big E then awaited the former Wyatt Family members in the ring with steel chairs in hand.

However, Harper and Rowan remained composed and walked into the squared circle, armed with mallets.

Big E came sprinting out of the blocks and looked to work on the mid-section of Harper, but the former CZW man managed to fight back and made the tag to Rowan. The Bludgeon Brothers used a combination of manoeuvres to keep the New Day member on his toes.

Big E made the tag to Uso who looked to gain the advantage with his speed, but Harper levelled the SmackDown Tag Team Champion with a big boot. After Rowan tackled Big E into the steps, Uso ate a double powerbomb which sealed his fate.

The Bludgeon Brothers def. Jimmy Uso & Big E

After the match, the Bludgeon Brothers decided to add salt to the wounds of Big E and Uso by brutally assaulting them.


Sami Zayn backstage segment

Sami Zayn was unhappy with Shane McMahon and Kevin Owens
Sami Zayn was unhappy with Shane McMahon and Kevin Owens

After the match, Renee Young interviewed Zayn and asked him who he held responsible for his loss at Fastlane. While the former El Generico was less than pleased with Shane McMahon, he stated that he ultimately held Kevin Owens responsible.

While Zayn was glowing in his praise of the former Universal Champion as a human being, he also called him a "selfish and self-absorbed competitor."


Charlotte and Asuka interaction

It's happening, folks!
It's happening, folks!

Charlotte and Asuka had an in-ring segment that was eerily reminiscent of AJ Styles' segment with Shinsuke Nakamura earlier in the night. While both women admitted to respecting each other, they were outrightly confident in their abilities. A subtle reminder that good things happen in the world of professional wrestling when nuance is involved.


Randy Orton United States Championship celebration

Will Bobby Roode get his rematch?
Will Bobby Roode get his rematch?

Randy Orton came out to gloat about winning the United States Championship and completing a career Grand Slam. However, he was interrupted by Bobby Roode who immediately asked for a rematch at WrestleMania.

The former NXT Champion even made a huge botch, saying that he wanted to "retain the title at WrestleMania," as opposed to regaining it. Jinder Mahal then made his way to the ring and said that he would defeat Bobby Roode in their upcoming match.

Bobby Roode vs. Jinder Mahal

Jinder Mahal defeated Bobby Roode
Jinder Mahal defeated Bobby Roode

This match progressed at a relatively slow pace as Mahal connected with a big right hand. The Maharaja was in control at the beginning of the bout, but Roode soon found his footing and nailed a flying axe handle.

Roode couldn't land a Glorious DDT, but he managed to hit the blockbuster for a 2 count. Mahal then flung the former TNA man outside the ring and nailed him with a boot as he attempted to re-enter the ring.

Roode connected with a spinebuster for a nearfall. The Glorious One then shoved an interfering Sunil Singh into the post and took to the top rope. However, he was crotched by Mahal who followed up with Khallas for the win.

Jinder Mahal def. Bobby Roode

After the match, Orton snuck up on Mahal and nailed him with the RKO.

Kevin Owens backstage segment

What a swerve!
What a swerve!

Renee Young was backstage with Kevin Owens who was irate after Fastlane, blaming Shane McMahon for costing him the WWE Championship and calling Sami Zayn "selfish."


Carmella vs. Naomi

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Carmella reigned supreme

Carmella worked as the archetypal heel in the one, kicking Naomi in the gut and whipping her around by the hair. She even connected with a massive kick to the face. Naomi then looked to find her footing after she exploded out of the corner, but Carmella kicked her legs from under her during a springboard and covered the former cheerleader for the win.

Carmella def. Naomi

Shane McMahon's big announcement

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens had a huge angle!
Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens had a huge angle!

An out-of-breath Shane McMahon came out to address his problems with Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, declaring that he was the sympathetic figure in this storyline after the Prizefighter annihilated his fatherVince. He declared that he was stepping down as Commissioner of SmackDown Live and made a match between Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens for WrestleMania.

However, the former Ring of Honor men weren't pleased with this announcement and proceeded to assault McMahon, brutalizing him in the process. They wrapped a steel chair around his neck and drove him into the ring post before powerbombing him on a ladder, leaving the Attitude Era legend gasping for breath. A great angle to end the show.


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