5 Roles Vince McMahon can play at WrestleMania 35

What could the chairman do at his greatest creation?
What could the chairman do at his greatest creation?

We all may criticise WWE non-stop for their shortcomings and terrible decision making, but just imagine what state pro wrestling would be in if Vince McMahon did not make his company a global powerhouse, as imagine a wrestling world without the spectacle, big names and worldwide buzz the WWE generates.

And the truth can't be ignored, WWE can do so much better with their product right now, as no other wrestling company in the world has the amount resources WWE has at their disposal. Which is why it is a bit sad to see them waste so many episodes of Raw and Smackdown Live repeating unsuccessful angles no one wants to see, but it seems things could get better, as in wrestling anything possible.

And when it comes to making those decisions, it all comes down to one man, Vince McMahon. McMahon has been under heavy scrutiny over the last few years for his outdated booking methods and inability to use wrestlers that would benefit his company, but with all the criticisms McMahon faces, no one truly hates him when he walks through the curtain. As wrestling fans may disapprove of McMahon's booking, but we respect him for all the good things he has done for the industry.

Another fact to consider is that wrestling wouldn't be as big as it is today if Vince McMahon had not created Wrestlemania, what would wrestling be without its biggest pay-per-view? And with the boss getting involved in almost all the Wrestlemania programmes this year, that leaves an important question lingering in the background, what will McMahon do at the biggest event in wrestling? Well, let us go through some possibilities.

#1 Charlotte's Enforcer

The chosen one.
The chosen one.

The one thing that riles up wrestling fans more than Ronda Rousey stating wrestling's fake is the forced inclusion of Charlotte Flair in the main event of Wrestlemania. It is well known by now that WWE wants to do the first ever Wrestlemania women's main event this year, and why not?

As women's wrestling may never get hotter than it is right now, as the perfect blend of personalities in the Women's Title feud on Raw makes the programme feel like it is worthy of main eventing Wrestlemania.

From Becky Lynch being a badass to Ronda Rousey turning heads as a heel, this feud is white hot, but many feel Charlotte's inclusion is unnecessary, but it actually is, in fact, a significant part of why this programme will succeed.

And you could be sure that this match might steal the show at Wrestlemania, as not only will the in-ring action to be outstanding, the different factors in this narrative allows the WWE creative team to include so many of the side angles that make this programme work.

Which allows Vince McMahon to enter the fray, McMahon being Charlotte's enforcer will create a better crowning for Becky at Wrestlemania, and while the boss screwing his employee narrative may be outdated, it still works when you have the most hated boss in wrestling screwing you over.

#2 Kofi's Obstacle

One of the ways McMahon has screwed Kofi over.
One of the ways McMahon has screwed Kofi over.

The WWE title picture on Smackdown Live could be considered the hottest narrative going on Wrestlemania this year, as there are so many factors that are working in favour of this narrative succeeding. From Daniel Bryan hitting his peak as the best heel in the company to Kofi Kingston being the biggest babyface on the brand, this narrative just screams success.

And one of the main reasons why this storyline between Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston is succeeding is all due to Vince McMahon, as the boss has played a pivotal role in Kofi Kingston's rise to the top. This week on Smackdown Live we saw Kofi Kingston take on McMahon's gauntlet challenge which saw him beat five of Smackdown's elite, but even though Kofi earned the right to go to Wrestlemania and face Daniel Bryan for the WWE title McMahon screwed him over once again.

This is not the first time that the boss has screwed Kofi and in all honesty, it won't be the last, as many feels at Wrestlemania McMahon could play a huge role in Kingston's world title pursuit.

#3 Batista's Target

Triple H's narratives are all about his family getting invloved.
Triple H's narratives are all about his family getting invloved.

One of the more shocking moments of 2019 took place on a random episode of Monday Night Raw, this was a moment rumours could not spoil, this was a moment that no one could have predicted, as WWE put their thinking hats for the first time in a long time and gave us the best return of the year.

The return of Batista was something that many fans did not expect, as the talks of him facing Triple H at Wrestlemania was slowly going from fact to fiction, but WWE swerved us all when Batista returned and crashed Ric Flair's birthday party. From there on out, Triple H and Batista came to the reasoning that they will resolve their differences at Wrestlemania.

Now you might be asking yourself what does this have to do with Vince McMahon? It's simple, as you might know by now, no Triple H storyline is complete without his family getting involved. Furthermore, Batista has stated if Triple H does not give him what he wants he will start targeting his family, and you could be sure that the McMahon's will get involved in this dream match at Wrestlemania.

#4 Styles' Rage

Styles needs some ruthless aggression.
Styles needs some ruthless aggression.

AJ Styles is one of the very few wrestlers from the independent scene to find success in Vince McMahon's world. As think about all the greats such as Samoa Joe, Shinsuke Nakamura and Sami Zayn these are superstars that were some of the greatest to come out of their wrestling promotions but here in WWE, they are nothing more than midcarders.

But Styles never suffered that fate as Vince McMahon saw something special in the wrestling icon, which is why Styles is in another high profile match at Wrestlemania. AJ Styles vs Randy Orton is one of the matches that fans have fantasised over for a very long time, and the main plot line of this match is Orton taking offence to Styles belief that he is responsible the resurrection of Smackdown.

If you recall an event that took place earlier this year which involved AJ Styles and Vince McMahon, in this incident McMahon provoked Styles in a similar fashion which Orton is doing now. Which leaves an opening for McMahon to get involved in this narrative, as the boss could be the person to bring out the rage in AJ Styles, and that could be the best booking option to bring this dream match to its climax.

#1 Shane's father

Father vs Father.
Father vs Father.

One of the worst narratives on Smackdown Live for the last few months had been Shane McMahon and the Miz's friendship, as these two unlikely partners became friends after Shane had filled for an injured Miz at the Crown Jewel event.

From there on out, we had witnessed Shane and Miz take their partnership and develop into a blossoming friendship, discussing their daddy issues, aspirations in life and their career goals for the future, and there is no doubt this had to witness some of the sappiest storytelling in wrestling history.

Thankfully this narrative came to its climax at WWE Fastlane when Shane destroyed Miz and his father, as Shane was fed up of carrying the Miz on his shoulders for months, and on Smackdown Live this week we got to hear from an emotionally charged Miz on how Shane's betrayal affected him which led to Miz accepting Shane's Wrestlemania challenge.

Now that Shane has turned heel it only makes sense that he aligns himself with his father, as Vince and Miz's father getting involved in this match at Wrestlemania would be a sort of novelty that one would expect from a match like this.

Meet Randy Orton's lovely wife HERE

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