Kurt Angle: 5 of his funniest moments in WWE

Milk Does A Body Good
Milk Does A Body Good

Kurt Angle is an Olympic Gold Medalist,s a wrestling machine and an American Hero. This is how the entire WWE Universe looks at Angle. He is every one of these things. He puts on great matches, thrills the crowd with his athleticism as well as showcases his technical prowess. What a lot of WWE fans forget or rather overlook was Kurt's incredible comic timing.

Much like The Rock, he was a gifted performer on the mic and improved over many years in the wrestling business. When Kurt Angle first debuted in the WWE, his persona was that of an uptight heel who was a good old-fashioned American hero. In essence, WWE designed his character to draw heat with the WWE Universe.

The Olympic Gold Medalist came to prominence during the attitude era and his character was a throwback to Hulk Hogan chanting 'USA! USA! USA!' and so on. While he eventually became a face, he was still great in any comedy sketch that he did. Whether it was being the butt of the joke or parodying other wrestlers, he was undeniably irresistible to the WWE fans.

Here are 5 best and funniest moments from Kurt Angle's illustrious WWE career.

#5 Kurt Angle and Edge, Pictures Segment

You Suck Indeed
You Suck Indeed

Kurt Angle's greatest asset as a performer outside a WWE ring was his commitment to a part. One of those aspects was appearing to look dumb while a WWE Superstar got one over on him. It's was those great 'deer in the headlights' that got him over with the WWE Universe.

While this segment led to a match between him and Edge at Judgment Day, it was one of the more funnier moments from the start of the Ruthless Aggression Era. Edge plays on Kurt's arrogance by showing him pictures of himself with messages at the back of them.

Is it sophomoric and childish? It's true. It's damn true. But here's the thing. Professional wrestling is silly and that part of it is what makes it so awesome to watch at times. Going by the audience reaction, it certainly was one of those funnier moments.


#4 Kurt Angle Singing Sexy Kurt (Sexy Boy)

I'll make your ankle hurt
I'll make your ankle hurt

Being WrestleMania season, It's good to harken back to great matches that Kurt Angle has had within the WWE. In 2005, he was facing Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 21. The Olympic Gold Medallist and Mr. WrestleMania would go on to have a classic. But the build-up was brilliant.

On SmackDown, Angle brought out Shawn's old valet, Sensational Sherri. He was dressed in pants that were perhaps a little jarring for some in the WWE Universe. But his rendition of Michaels' theme song is hilarious.

While Kurt Angle is an amazing athlete, he has two left feet and couldn't win a dance contest to save his life. Granted, this was probably for the sake of the segment but it didn't hurt it either. Moreover, changing the lyrics of Sexy Boy to Sexy Kurt is not something you see every day inside a WWE ring.


#3 Kurt Angle American Badass on a Scooter


This segment happened on WWE Raw back during The Attitude Era. This was during the time of The Undertaker's biker gimmick. More precisely, the American Bad Ass version.

Taker comes out hopping mad, gets on the mic and complains that Kurt Angle dropped milk and food on his prized motorcycle or chopper. He demands a match with Angle. The American Hero comes out to apologize, which leads to him offering a scooter to The Undertaker as a gift to make amends with The Dead Man.

Seeing The Olympic Gold Medallist coming out on a scooter, complete with a helmet and goggles is downright hilarious. As mentioned before, Kurt Angle did his best work when he played up his goofiness to perfection.

Of course, as the segment ends, The Undertaker proceeds to chase Angle on his own motorcycle which leads to him running away like a scared child. Undertaker throws the scooter off the ramp to the delight of the crowd.


#2 Kurt Angle Milk Truck

Got Milk?
Got Milk?

This was during the height of the WWE Invasion Angle when Stone Cold Steve Austin turned on WWE and joined The Alliance. With HHH injured and The Rock off shooting a movie, WWE had turned to Kurt Angle to take on the role as the top face to Steve Austin.

On the episode of WWE Raw on Stone Cold Steve Austin Appreciation Night, Angle decided to interrupt by using something that was reflective of the character he had built and that was by bringing out a milk truck.

It was a direct parody of when The Rattlesnake used a Beer Truck to soak The Rock, Vince McMahon and the rest of the corporation. Milk-O-Mania was running wild...all over the Alliance. The Olympic Gold Medallist even bangs two milk cartoons and douses his face. It was inspired, hilarious and only Kurt Angle could have pulled it off.


#1 Kurt Angle Yippee Ki-Yay

Cut My Legs and Call Me Shorty
Cut My Legs and Call Me Shorty

When Triple H got injured, it put an end to the Two-Man Power Trip storyline. So Kurt Angle was brought into the mix. But his role was more of a dimwitted sidekick than a villainous ally. And it works very well.

Stone Cold Steve Austin would be annoyed with having The American Hero around. When The Rattlesnake turned heel, he started looking at Vince McMahon as a father figure and didn't want to share him.

Kurt was kind of the annoying third wheel that threatened to rupture that relationship. When Austin gifts Mr. McMahon and himself with full-fledged cowboy hats, he also provides the same to Angle. The only thing is that it's tiny and Kurt Angle just plays the moment very well with his smile and charm.

His utterance of old cowboy lingo 'Yippee Ki-Yay' is just a delight. You have to be a robot to not laugh out loud at this segment.


Can You think of any other funnier Kurt Angle Moments? Comment Below.

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