AEW Dynamite Results: MJF faces 10-time WWE Tag Team Champion, Former NWA star debuts

Former NWA star Ricky Starks made his AEW debut
Former NWA star Ricky Starks made his AEW debut

This week saw another action-packed episode of AEW Dynamite. We had two title matches as well as the debut of a former NWA star. We also saw The Young Bucks and Chris Jericho in action on tonight's show. 10-time WWE Tag-Team Champion Billy Gunn was also in action as he took on the dastardly MJF.

Kenny Omega and Hangman Page (C) vs The Natural Nightmares (for the AEW Tag Team Championships)

Brandi Rhodes was at ringside with The Natural Nightmares for the match while Allie was not. The challengers started the match well and took the fight to the champions in the early stages. Dustin Rhodes and QT continued to dominate the match as it continued with Rhodes hitting a backdrop and going for a pin.

Adam Page came in on the tag and looked strong, taking control of the match for his team. He didn't waste a moment and knocked Rhodes off the apron before going after QT Marshall. Marshall replied with a springboard enziguiri and both men tagged out.

Rhodes came in strong once again, hitting Omega with an Atomic Drop before dishing out powerslams to both Omega and Page. Rhodes followed this up with a Senton to Page as QT Marshall hit Omega with the QT Special.

The finish saw the Champions regroup and hit the Buckshot Lariat/V-Trigger combo to QT Marshall for the win.

Kenny Omega and Hangman Page def. The Natural Nightmares to retain the AEW Tag Team Championships.

Anna Jay vs Abadon

Anna Jay was in action on AEW Dynamite as she took on Abadon. Surprisingly, Jay lost the match in short order after the debuting Abadon spiked her with a hurricanrana and pinned her.

Abadon def. Anna Jay

The Dark Order were out after the match and they handed Colt Cabana, who was in the audience, an envelope. while other Dark Order members helped Anna Jay out of the ring. It looks like she may have joined The Dark Order.

MJF vs Billy Gunn on AEW Dynamite

Even at this stage of his career, Billy Gunn had the size and power advantage in the match and it showed early as he dominated the opening stages. MJF even walked out of the arena briefly in frustration, risking his AEW undefeated streak, only for Gunn to drag him back into the area.

Gunn went for a Famouser but MJF replied with a nasty chop block to take back control. While the referee had her back turned, Wardlow took advantage and laid in some shots on Gunn including smashing his leg against the ring post.

MJF went after Gunn's knee following this but Gunn fought back as best he could, hitting a couple of power moves. He went for the Famouser again but MJF scurried away. Gunn ended up going knee first into the turnbuckle and MJF capitalized with a modified Calf Crusher.

Third attempt at the Famouser and Gunn finally hit it. He went for the cover but Wardlow distracted the referee. With everyone distracted, MJF took out the Dynamite Diamond ring and struck Gunn with it. That was it for Billy Gunn as MJF picked up another big win.

MJF def. Billy Gunn on AEW Dynamite

Cody (C) vs Ricky Starks (for the TNT Championship) on AEW Dynamite

Cody defended the AEW TNT Championshp against former NWA star Ricky Starks who was described as one of the hottest free agents in wrestling.

Starks represented himself well in the match, taking the fight to Cody. It was a hard fought match and Starks was in control for large parts. After the opening stages, Starks went for a swinging DDT only for Cody to boot him away. Cody followed it up with a reverse vertical suplex for a 2-count. Starks replied with a superplex from the top rope. The challenger followed it with a crossbody that sent both men crashing over the top rope.

Just when it looked like the match may be going out of his grasp, Cody rebounded and showed his top-level experience. He found an opening for himself and hit Ricky Starks with the Cross Rhodes in the middle of the ring. A valiant effort from Starks but that was all she wrote for him. Cody pinned him to retain the TNT Championship.

Cody def. Ricky Starks on AEW Dynamite

Cody will defend his title against Jake Hager at AEW Fyter Fest.

The Young Bucks vs Kip Sabian and Jimmy Havoc on AEW Dynamite

Next up on AEW Dynamite, The Young Bucks faced Kip Sabian and Jimmy Havoc. The Bucks started the match strong, taking control early and hitting some great stereo offense early on. Sabian and Havoc were forced to regroup at ringside. Sabian tried to blindside Nick Jackson but it didn't go that well. Matt Jackson tagged in at this point and he took out Sabian, who had tagged out, at ringside.

The Butcher and The Blade came out at this point for the distraction and Jimmy Havoc took advantage, taking down Matt Jackson for a 2 count.

Sabian and Havoc took control of the match and showed off what they were capable of. Nick Jackson tagged in once again and took out both Havoc and Sabian. Jackson hit Havoc with a facebuster onto the entrance ramp before locking in the Sharpshooter on Sabian. FTR were out by now to even the odds.

Jimmy Havoc came in with a mallet and distracted the referee as Penelope Ford came in and broke up the submission. Sabian headed to the top rope but missed the double stomp. Nick Jackson replied a Northern Lights suplex. He then tagged in his brother Matt. The Bucks then hit the Risky Business for a nearfall.

Sabian followed it up with another attempt at the Double Stomp, this time connecting with Matt Jackson. His brother Nick broke up the count. The Bucks then forced Sabian to hit Havoc with a Tombstone after striking him on the knees. The Bucks then pinned Sabian for the win.

The Young Bucks def. Kip Sabian and Jimmy Havoc on AEW Dynamite

A brawl ensued in the ring after the match after The Butcher and The Blade got involved. The Bucks and FTR stood tall at the end of the segment.

Update on Dr. Britt Baker

After Big Swole kidnapped her earlier on in the night, we caught up with Dr. Britt Baker who was in a dumpster.

Sammy Guevara & Chris Jericho vs Best Friends (AEW Tag Team Title #1 Contenders Match)

Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara started the match strong but Best Friends soon turned it around. Trent hit a spear at ringside to Guevara before tossing him back into the ring. The former AEW World Champion tagged in for his team and isolated Chuckie T in the corner before tagging Guevara back in. The Inner Circle members traded tags and worked on Taylor.

Trent tagged him for his team and was all over Guevara. Impressive effort from Trent but he was soon cut down by Jericho. The Inner Circle members took control again. Jericho sent Trent crashing into the ring post before taking him down with a clothesline.

Chuck Taylor and Sammy Guevara tagged in for their respective teams. Trent and Taylor hit a double team maneuver when Jericho came in and locked in the Liontamer on Trent. Trent made it over to the ropes, got back on his feet and took Jericho down with a clothesline.

Guevara tagged back in and hit Trent with a boot to the face. Best Friends replied with an assisted Superplex. Jericho came in broke the count. Chuckie T tossed Jericho into the barricade at ringside before grabbing a steel chair. Jericho tossed Taylor into the audience just as Guevara hit Trent with a baseball bat. Guevara followed it up with a Shooting Star Press only for Trent to kick out.

It looked like one of the cameramen grabbed Guevara by the ankles by mistake. This led to Trent hitting the Dudebuster for the win.

Best Friends def. Le Sex Gods on AEW Dynamite

Best Friends are now next in line for the AEW Tag Team Titles.

It turned out that the cameraman was Orange Cassidy. Cassidy blindsided Jericho and took him down before hitting a Superman Punch to send Jericho crawling out of the ring in full retreat.

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