Rating the chance of victory that each Men's Money in the Bank 2019 competitor has

The Money in the Bank ladder match
The Money in the Bank ladder match

Money in the Bank is fast approaching, and from the looks of the card, it could be a fantastic show, and as always, the highlight will be the two Money in the Bank Ladder matches taking place. The men's match has a rich history, and includes winners such as Edge, Daniel Bryan, Rob Van Dam, John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton and others. It's clear from that that winning this briefcase could be the ticket to WWE's main event scene.

The last two men's winners have been quite disappointing, and it's hurt the prestige of the match, but if WWE can book this well, the winner of this year's bout could be in for a huge push. So without further ado, today we are going to look at the men's Money in the Bank match, and analyse from 8-1 which performers have the best chance of climbing the ladder and coming out victorious on May 19th.

#8 Baron Corbin

Baron Corbin
Baron Corbin

Despite being this far down on the list, knowing how WWE operates and enjoys making controversial decisions to annoy the fans, it wouldn't surprise anyone if WWE's most hated performer pulls out a win here. Sure, the former RAW General Manager does get heat from the WWE Universe, but unfortunately, it's not the right kind of heat, but management have still been insistent on forcing him down our throats regardless.

Corbin is one of 3 men in this match to already become Mr. Money in the Bank, but unfortunately, his cash-in attempt did not result in success, and given that, no one really wants to see him climb the ladder again. WWE have an annoying heel character on their hands here, and if used properly in the mid card, he could be quite effective, but right now, he isn't, and we hope they figure that out before Money in the Bank arrives.

#7 Randy Orton

Randy Orton
Randy Orton

Usually, having Randy Orton this far down on a list would seem like blasphemy, but given how much he's achieved in his long, illustrious career, giving him the victory here goes against everything Money in the Bank stands for. As we'll mention a lot, Money in the Bank is about elevating the future of WWE, and like in the case with Edge, CM Punk and many others, it's used to test out future main event stars, but Orton has already been there and done that.

Orton will be very valuable in this match, as he's experienced in ladder matches, but this time around, Orton's best use will be to elevate the younger stars like Balor, Ali, Andrade and Ricochet. We've got no doubts that The Apex Predator will be back in the hunt for the WWE Championship in no time, but he'll get there on skill and experience, and hopefully not by robbing a younger star of their chance at Money in the Bank.

#6 Finn Balor

Finn Balor
Finn Balor

Finn Balor is the reigning Intercontinental Champion, and it's that reason that has him so far down on our list, as WWE is highly unlikely to push someone to be Mr. Money in the Bank and a Champion at the same time. On the flip side of that, Balor hasn't been given a significant push since the injury that saw him relinquish the Universal Championship, and the move to Smackdown Live could reinvigorate his WWE career.

With limited proven stars at the top of the Smackdown Live main event scene, Balor could be pushed heavily at the back end of 2019, especially when the run of Kofi Kingston ends, so this could be a way to start that. With the return of The Demon however, we don't think WWE need a Money in the Bank briefcase to push the former NXT Champion, but only time will tell. Either way, it's highly unlikely that Balor will be the man to climb the ladder and bring down the briefcase.

#5 Ricochet


Now that Ricochet has broken away from Aleister Black, he has a chance to become a big star on his own. While WWE will likely hold off a big push until next year, The One and Only will still shine. It's very unlikely that he wins this match this year, as it is often reserved for a big time heel within WWE, and while he won't win the match, he can certainly steal the show with all those ladders around.

His efforts in his debut match in NXT in New Orleans were incredible, as he performed several death defying moves off ladders. This isn't NXT, but WWE often books ladder matches incredibly well. With big men like McIntyre, Corbin and Strowman in this bout, Ricochet could steal the entire show, and while his victory isn't going to come this year, it's only a matter of time until The Future of Flight finds his way into the main event scene.

#4 Ali


Ali is an ascending star in WWE right now, and despite the influx of main event talent on Smackdown Live after the Superstar Shakeup, it's still very clear that Vince McMahon is high on him. The Heart and Soul was in line for a big main event push until his injury made way for KofiMania, and now that he's healthy again, he's ready to become the company's top babyface.

Sure, there's now bigger names on the Smackdown Live roster, but the cream always rises to the top, and there's none better at garnering fan support than the former 205 Live star. He's got a big future ahead of him, and that means it's unlikely that he'll come out on top this year. The company can afford to be patient with him, but before long, we want to see Ali in the main event with big matches against the likes of Reigns, Balor, Elias, Andrade and most importantly, Kofi Kingston.

#3 Braun Strowman

Braun Strowman
Braun Strowman

Braun Strowman was Mr. Money in the Bank in 2018, and only once in WWE history has someone won the ladder match in back-to-back years, but given how odd Strowman's booking has been lately, he has a chance of replicating that. Once upon a time, The Monster Among Men was seen as a future World Champion, but for some reason, the WWE have been quite down on him, and we're very unsure where he goes from here.

With Roman Reigns, Elias and Finn Balor all leaving RAW, there's a big hole in the main event scene on RAW, and it's time the WWE truly get behind Braun as the monster he can be. His booking has been horrendous, but given how good he is, it's nothing that he can't overcome, and whether he wins at Money in the Bank again or not, Strowman needs to be a big part of WWE's programming in the latter stages of 2019.

#2 Drew McIntyre

Drew McIntyre
Drew McIntyre

For the past year, WWE has been protecting Drew McIntyre, setting him up as the next big main event heel on Monday Night RAW. A victory at Money in the Bank could be a way to do just that. The only reason why Drew isn't #1 on our list is because he really doesn't need a win here, and while it would be great, this match is often used to elevate someone who is sitting in the upper mid-card spot.

After Seth Rollins likely dispatches of AJ Styles at the Money in the Bank PPV, Drew will be his next challenger regardless (at least that's the way WWE spent the early parts of 2019 making us believe), so he doesn't need this. Still, it's clear that it's only a matter of time until The Scottish Psychopath will be on top of the WWE mountain, and while fans would probably be annoyed at this decision, it's got the potential to happen.

#1 Andrade


Since WrestleMania, many people (myself included) have been looking at this match at crowning Andrade the next Mr. Money in the Bank, and given his huge potential on Smackdown Live, it's still the best bet to make. Sure, Braun Strowman, Drew McIntyre, Randy Orton and Finn Balor are already main event level talents, but this match is about the future, and the briefcase is used to elevate new talent, and there's no better pick in that case than El Idolo.

With Zelina Vega by his side, Andrade has channelled the X-Factor that made him such a huge star in his home country of Mexico, and after a run as NXT Champion, he's set to be a main event player for years to come. The WWE might want to try and swerve us here, but sometimes, the most obvious pick is obvious because it just makes so much sense, and that's the case here, so Andrade should be crowned Mr. Money in the Bank come May 19.