Top 5: Most hated power figures in WWE

Triple H Boss

WWE is all about people. However, there are a few people who have tried to make it about themselves. These people are the ones who try to use power as per their liking and twist the rules according to their needs.

What they get in return is hatred, from the WWE Universe. But these authority figures are so power hungry that this hatred does not bother them one bit.

Here are the most hated authority figures of all time:

Triple H

Triple H – Mixing it up with the worst

Triple H, the current king of WWE takes the number fifth spot on our list.

Triple H has all the ingredients required to play a ‘bad boss’. He has the microphone skills that can draw heat from the crowd, and uses it to perfection. His way of speaking, which is filled with sarcasm, is second only to the biggest and baddest of them all, Vince McMahon.

What’s more impressive is the way in which he turned heel. Instilling himself as the referee for a WWE Championship match between John Cena and Daniel Bryan, and then knocking out the winner to let Randy Orton pick up the pieces, plain masterstroke!

Since then, he has adopted the evil. The way he orders the Shield to take out anyone who takes a stand in front of him just oozes with a devilish charm. He is the one for the long run.

He has really come of age to play this role and it is safe to say that he has learnt from the best.

Vickie Guerrero

Vickie Guerrero

Vickie Guerrero – Please, excuse her!

Excuse Me!

I said, Excuse Me!

Sounds familiar? Probably, the only authority figure who’s hated by people, not because of her actions, but because of the shrill in her voice.

Agreed, Vickie Guerrero has one of the most annoying voice ever, but there’s more to her than that.

She is an out and out heel, who manipulates people according to her needs. She makes very clever use of her resources and knows how to stay in the good books of the people above her. How else, do you think, was she able to stay in power for so long?

Her on-screen affairs with WWE superstars only add to the spice that her character brings along. Who can forget the perfect couple that was Edge and Vickie?

She knows how to get under the nerves of people around her and that, in WWE, is an asset.

John Laurinaitis

John Laurinaitis

John Laurinaitis – We know who you are

“My name is Mr. John Laurinaitis and I am the General Manager of Raw and Smackdown”

This line. This line is nearly as annoying as Vickie’s ‘Excuse Me’. If we keep that aside, what we are left with is a liar, a cheat, master of manipulation and more. All of which are desired traits if you are looking to make the cut as an authoritative heel.

He was a sly, power-crazy maniac who looked calm on the outside. The things he has done in order to destroy careers of WWE superstars who stood against them are shocking.

However, he failed to cover his tracks at the right time and all his wrongdoings came under the microscope of Triple H and Vince McMahon. What was his answer to them? A F-5 from Brock Lesnar.

That’s right. He took the fight to the real power figures and came up just short. Also, he is the one who provided Big Show with an ‘Iron Clad Contract.’

Eric Bischoff

Eric Bischoff

Eric Bischoff – Come back!

The man who single-handedly brought WWE to its knees comes in at number two on this list.

Eric Bischoff was, to the shock of many, recruited by Vince McMahon after the Invasion angle was done with. And, nobody saw that coming.

And boy did he stamp his authority on WWE. From Raw Roulette to Elimination Chamber, it all came out from one genius mind of Eric Bischoff.

Even after all that he did for WWE, he was constantly booed by the audience. Why? Well, that might have something to do with his arrogance and cockiness.

Bischoff has done every wrong in the book that there is. He even kissed his boss’s daughter, Stephanie McMahon. Yeah, deal with that.

At least, unlike the last two entries on this list, he had a catchy entrance theme.

Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon – One boss to rule them all

No one. Absolutely no one stands a chance in front of Vince McMahon when it comes to authoritative heel figures.

Vince McMahon has raised hell, singlehandedly, for years. He has done the craziest things that you cannot expect your boss to do. He is a maniac who only things about business. Vince sees money, and not even his own family stands a chance in front of money.

Remember the time when Vince faced Stephanie in a match? Yes, he is that disgusting.

Till now, whenever people in the crowd hear his music, they automatically assume that things will take turn for the worst. Such is the aura that accompanies him when he steps inside the ring.

The best thing about him? He is not afraid to take matters into his own hands and steps inside the ring whenever he feels like. A limping McMahon challenged Paul Heyman to a match earlier this year and if that doesn’t speak volumes about his persona, then I do not think anything else will.

Revenge, ego and power are the three things Vince abides by and that, works every single time.

There’s literally ‘no chance in hell’ of anybody replacing him.