Which female WWE Superstar had the best 2019?

Ronda Rousey, Charlotte, and Becky Lynch made history as the first all-women main event in WWE Wrestlemania history in 2019.
Ronda Rousey, Charlotte, and Becky Lynch made history as the first all-women main event in WWE Wrestlemania history in 2019.

The Women's Evolution continued in 2019, featuring many important milestones. But which of our top ten WWE female Superstars walked out the winner of the year?

The Women's Evolution continued in 2019, featuring many important milestones. But which of our top ten WWE female Superstars walked out the winner of the year?

As we move onward with 2020, it's important to look back and reflect upon the wildly tumultuous year in WWE that was 2019.

It's hard to express how much the wrestling industry changed during the course of 2019, and the ramifications are going to be felt throughout 2020 and continue to be felt for many years to come. 2019, after all, saw the rise of WWE's first significant competition in nearly twenty years. It also saw the slow, sad, and continuing decline of the once respectable Ring of Honor promotion. Of course, through it all, Impact Wrestling somehow manages to not only stay on the air but draw a significant amount of attention to itself.

But the facts are the facts. The WWE remains, and will likely remain for some time to come, the globally dominant brand. It's been said that if you can make it in WWE, you can make it anywhere.

So examining the female talent of WWE and seeing which had the most significant gains in 2019 is not only interesting, it's useful to predict where the careers of each of these talented athletes will be headed moving forward.

#1 Naomi

Naomi during her run as SmackDown Women's Champion.
Naomi during her run as SmackDown Women's Champion.

Sometimes, all it takes to achieve greatness is a little patience and a lot of innate talent. Naomi first appeared on WWE television as one half of the Funkadactyls. Her main purpose was to be a sort of cheerleader for the Funkasaurus Brodus Clay.

But through her appearances on the E network hit Total Divas, she gained more screen time and eventually transitioned to a full-time wrestler rather than a valet. Did Naomi feel the glow in 2019?

Win-Loss Record: With six wins and nine losses to her credit in 2019, it seems like she was sliding backward even before she took step back from WWE to deal with personal issues. Grade: D

Championships: Naomi won no championships during 2019, but did manage to challenge for a few titles. Grade: D-

Cross Media Appeal: Naomi is not just a pro wrestler, she's a reality television star and that brings its own benefits. Grade: A

Industry Influence: Naomi is one of the few women of color on either the SmackDown or RAW rosters and represents her demographic well. Her in-ring style is highly athletic and influential as well. Grade: B

Overall Grade: D We love Naomi, but given that she stepped away from the business it's understandable that her grade suffered as a result.

#2 Carmella

Carmella's career had its ups and downs in 2019.
Carmella's career had its ups and downs in 2019.

Mella is money, and the plucky New Jersey native continues to find ways of staying on WWE television even when she's not actively engaged in a feud.

From her dance-offs with R-Truth to her surprising technical wrestling skill, Carmella has proven that she has the staying power to remain relevant even as the women's evolution continues. But was 2019 Money for Mella?

Win-Loss Record: With 11 wins and 15 losses, Carmella's record was below average in 2019. Grade: D

Championships: Carmella won the hotly contested 24/7 championship a few times. It's not the SmackDown or RAW women's single or tag titles, but it's something. Grade: C

Cross Media Appeal: Thanks to her appearances on Total Divas, Carmella has decent cross-media appeal. Grade: B

Industry Influence: At the end of the day, Carmella is average across the board in terms of in-ring ability, but her poise and appearances on Total Divas raise her grade a bit. Grade: C

Overall Grade: C For the most part, Carmella had an average year, far from the best of her career but there's no reason to despair here, either.

#3 Charlotte

Charlotte during a press function.
Charlotte during a press function.

We're just going to come right out and say in plain language. Charlotte is just plain better than her legendary father, 'the Nature Boy' Ric Flair.

She's so good she doesn't even need the Flair last name to get over anymore. With her supreme athleticism, technical wrestling skills, and ability to work a microphone, you can expect to see Charlotte's career continue for some time to come. But how did she fare in 2019?

Win-Loss Record: With 19 wins and 26 losses, Charlotte's record was decent in 2019. Grade: C+

Championships: Charlotte reigned three times as Smackdown Women's champion, challenged for the tag team and Raw championships, and defended her title at Wrestlemania 35's main event, albeit unsuccessfully. It doesn't get much better than that. Grade: A

Cross Media Appeal: Charlotte tends to concentrate on her wrestling career rather than outside pursuits, meaning that few outside the industry are likely to recognize her on sight. Grade: D

Industry Influence: Charlotte was one of the pioneers of the Women's Evolution and continues to upgrade her game continuously. She really does set the standard for women's wrestling in WWE. Grade: A+

Overall Grade: B- Charlotte had a stellar 2019, but between dabbling in the tag team division and changing brands her win-loss record suffered a little, resulting in a lower score.

#4 Bayley

Bayley turned heel for the first time in 2019.
Bayley turned heel for the first time in 2019.

Long considered a pure babyface, Bayley shocked the wrestling world in 2019 by turning heel for the first time.

No longer a hugger, the user of the Bayley to Belly suplex was now a thugger. Rule-breaking, backstage sneak attacks, and the brutal assault of her own wavy armed entrance puppets were all on the menu for the suddenly savage WWE Superstar. But how was her 2019 overall?

Win-Loss Record: With 36 wins and only 11 losses, Bayley tops our list in this category so far. Grade: A+

Championships: Multiple reigns as both tag team and Smackdown women's champion put Bayley at the top of this category. Grade: A+

Cross Media Appeal: Bayley is a wrestler first and foremost rather than dabbling in outside pursuits. Grade: D

Industry Influence: Bayley is both influential and innovative in her approach to wrestling and sports entertainment, and is often imitated but never duplicated. Grade: A

Overall Grade: A Bayley proved in 2019 that she is a dominant force in the WWE and women's wrestling in general.

#5 Sasha Banks

Sasha Banks showed her true colors in 2019.
Sasha Banks showed her true colors in 2019.

The Legit Boss took a brief sabbatical from the WWE in 2019, and rumors swirled about what would happen to her future in sports entertainment. Would she seek a release from her contract? Would she wind up working for the burgeoning rival AEW?

Many rumors abounded, but no solid evidence and no distinct declarations from Sasha were coming, either. Then she appeared and brutally attacked Natalya, sporting a new blue hairdo. Given her time away from the ring, how did 2019 treat Sasha Banks?

Win-Loss Record: With 16 wins and 15 losses, Sasha just edges out an above-average grade. Grade: B-

Championships: Sasha was one half of the first-ever Women's Tag Team Champions in WWE, and picked up right where she left off upon her return. Grade: B+

Cross Media Appeal: Sasha Banks is famously the niece of hip hop star Snoop Dogg, but her cross-media appeal doesn't go much further than that. Grade: D

Industry Influence: Sasha is one of the four horsewomen and a pioneer of the WWE women's evolution. Grade: A

Overall Grade: C+ Sasha's time away from the ring definitely hurt her overall grade, but she remains a top star in WWE.

#6 Asuka

Asuka in the WWE.
Asuka in the WWE.

Asuka transitioned from singles star to the women's tag team division in 2019, and in the process turned into a full heel for the first time in WWE.

From her iconic green mist attack to her stellar striking and ring generalship, Asuka remains one of the most exciting, consistent, and entertaining women on WWE's stacked roster. But how did 2019 treat her?

Win-Loss Record: With 21 wins and 8 losses, Asuka earns outstanding marks in this category. Grade: A

Championships: Asuka entered 2019 as the SmackDown Women's Champion and defended it successfully several times. Then she reigned as a Tag Team Champion with Kairi Sane. Grade: A

Cross Media Appeal: Asuka is a veritable living legend in the pro wrestling industry, but few outside wrestling-fandom are likely to know who she is. Grade: D

Industry Influence: Asuka has been influential throughout her career in multiple spectrums, from her ring gear to her in-ring style. Grade: A

Overall Grade: B+ Asuka had a stellar 2019 and the best year since joining the main roster.

#7 Shayna Baszler

Shayna Baszler reigned for much of 2019 as NXT women's champion.
Shayna Baszler reigned for much of 2019 as NXT women's champion.

An argument could be made that Shayna Baszler is a much better technical performer than her more famous friend, Ronda Rousey. Certainly in terms of both experience and smoothness of execution, this much is true.

Baszler is a consistent performer who is capable of working a variety of match styles and deserves her prominent spot on the NXT roster. But how did she fare in 2019 overall?

Win-Loss Record: With 35 wins and only 12 losses, Baszler's record would be impressive even without the caveat that most of her losses came in tag matches where she herself was not pinned or submitted. Grade: A+

Championships: Shayna Baszler went into 2019 as the NXT women's champion and defended it successfully for most of the year against a veritable who's who of the best talent the WWE has to offer. Grade: A+

Cross Media Appeal: As a former MMA competitor and champion, Baszler is well known outside of pro wrestling. Grade: A

Industry Influence: Baszler's hard-hitting style is reminiscent of both Japanese and British wrestling, and she's definitely popularized such in North America. Grade: B

Overall Grade: A+ Baszler had the best year of her career in 2019, and we're looking forward to seeing what she does in 2020 and beyond.

#8 Kairi Sane "The Pirate Princess"

WWE Live Singapore
WWE Live Singapore

It has been said that Kairi Sane is one of the best pro wrestlers in the world today, male or female. She's had five-star match ratings in Japan and her bout at the end of the inaugural Mae Young Classic with Shayna Baszler is still highly praised.

2019 saw Sane adjusting to life on the main roster and forming a tag team with Asuka, the Kabuki Warriors. How did 2019 leave her?

Win-Loss Record: With 33 wins and 15 losses, Kairi Sane gets top marks in this category. Grade: A+

Championships: Kairi Sane wrested the WWE Tag Team Women's Championships in 2019 with Asuka, but captured no singles gold. Grade: B+

Cross Media Appeal: Kari Sane is a pure wrestler with no time for outside shenanigans. Grade: D

Industry Influence: As one of the best performers in the world, all eyes are on Sane to see what's coming next. Grade: A

Overall Grade: B Kairi Sane enjoyed a great year in 2019, though it might be frustrating for some fans who would prefer to see her used as a singles star.

#9 Dakota Kai

The Captain of Team Kick turned heel in 2019, which many believe was just what she needed to do.
The Captain of Team Kick turned heel in 2019, which many believe was just what she needed to do.

The feisty New Zealand native impressed all comers with her appearance in the Mae Young Classic and has continued to do so on the NXT roster.

With her recent, shocking heel turn at Wargames, Dakota Kai not only generated new interest in her character, but she also provided a much needed evil female role on the stacked NXT roster. How was her 2019?

Win-Loss Record: With 15 wins and 14 losses, Kai just earns an above-average grade. Grade: B-

Championships: Kai won no titles in 2019 but did manage to challenge for both the NXT and World Tag Team titles. Grade: D

Cross Media Appeal: Kai is an international wrestling star but unlikely to be known outside the industry. Grade: D

Industry Influence: Dakota Kai's energetic striking style has taken hold in the USA and beyond. Grade: B

Overall Grade: C+ Dakota Kai continued her climb up the NXT roster in 2019 and finished better than she started.

#10 Becky Lynch

The Man emerged as possibly the most popular star in WWE during 2019.
The Man emerged as possibly the most popular star in WWE during 2019.

Call her the Man, call her the second coming of Stone Cold Steve Austin, just don't call Becky Lynch late to dinner. She's been part of the WWE women's evolution since the get-go and shows no signs of slowing down.

There was a time when it seems like Lynch was somewhat forgotten by the WWE match-makers, but that all came to an end during her epic build-up to the first-ever all-female Wrestlemania main event. How was her 2019 overall?

Win-Loss Record: With 34 wins and 8 losses, Becky Lynch gets top marks in this category. Grade: A+

Championships: Becky Lynch managed to hold BOTH the Smackdown and Raw women's championships at the same time no less. And she captured them at Wrestlemania. Grade: A+

Cross Media Appeal: Becky Lynch has replaced John Cena as the face of the WWE, but hasn't done much outside of the wrestling industry. Grade: C

Industry Influence: Lynch continues to be an influencer in pro wrestling. Grade: A

Overall Grade: A+ 2019 was definitely the year of Lynch.

And the best WWE female Superstar of 2019 is... Shayna Baszler

We're as shocked as you, but when you crunch the numbers Baszler just edges out Becky Lynch as the most successful women's star in WWE during 2019.
We're as shocked as you, but when you crunch the numbers Baszler just edges out Becky Lynch as the most successful women's star in WWE during 2019.

I know, I know.

You hit the next slide button fully expecting to see Becky Lynch's ginger features gracing the photo above, but then you were shocked to see Shayna Baszler, the Queen of Spades in her stead.

It was a very, very, VERY close contest, but at the end of the day, Baszler wrestled more, defended her title more, and did so against stiffer competition from around the world. Not to mention Baszler is still more well known outside of the wrestling world than Lynch.

While she might not be the biggest star in WWE's women's division, she is arguably the most dominant. This is what mainly pushed her over the line to become WWE's most successful female performer of 2019.

There you have it; Our break down of the top females in WWE and how kind 2019 was to their respective careers. Questions or comments? Please leave them after the article, and as always thanks for reading.

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