WWE 205 Live Results (November 1st, 2019): Lio Rush in action, a rematch gets nasty 

The Champ of the Hour came to collect another victory
The Champ of the Hour came to collect another victory "Swerve" as confident as ever

Following an absolutely chaotic SmackDown on Fox, the Purple Brand looked to keep it going with some exciting cruiserweight action.

The main event featured the Champ of the Hour, Lio Rush, going one-on-one with the man that defeated his No.1 contender last week, Raul Mendoza. The fast-paced luchador has been quite impressive on NXT and 205 Live lately, taking guys like Isaiah "Swerve" Scott, Cameron Grimes, and Angel Garza to their limits. Tonight, he hoped to shock the world with a victory over the brand's top dog.

We kicked off the night with a rematch from last week. On the previous episode of 205 Live, "Swerve" Scott managed to knock off the Persian Lion, Ariya Daivari. This week, Daivari looked to get some much-needed revenge and send a message to the rest of the locker room.

Before the opening contest, Daivari Dinero assaulted Isaiah Scott, sending him crashing to the floor and bouncing him off the barricade. Inside the ring, several refs kept Daivari at bay as they checked on Scott to see if he was okay to compete. Naturally, he was up for the challenge.

Isaiah "Swerve" Scott vs Ariya Daivari

Daivari rushed in and was blindsided by a leaping knee, forcing him to roll outside. However, he caught Scott's leg exiting the ring and dropped him on the apron. For several minutes, Daivari battered Scott, managing to cut off all attempts at gaining the upper hand.

Scott was trapped on the mat, completely grounded and unable to fire up his high octane offence. When he did manage to get to his feet, he finally turned things around, bringing Daivari down with a suplex.

Daivari was first to get to a standing position, only to be rocked by a kick to the jaw. A kicking combination stunned Daivari, and a second rope uppercut to the back of the headset him up for a rebound German suplex and a leaping flatliner.

Daivari tried to break free of Scott, but was trapped in the corner, and planted with a second rope DDT for his trouble. Swerve looked for a diving double stomp, only for Daivari to roll away and connect with a superkick. A uranage failed to put Scott away. A double clothesline left them both on the mat.

Scott left Daivari hanging on the apron with a superkick and followed that up with a diving double foot stomp, dropping Daivari hard on the floor below. He sent Daivari inside and moved to the top rope, only for Daivari to rush and launch him overhead with a belly-to-belly suplex. Scott escaped the Persian Splash and caught Daivari with a leaping back kick.

Results: Isaiah "Swerve" Scott defeated Ariya Daivari via pinfall.

That's now two victories Scott has over Daivari, leaving the longtime 205 Live superstar on the wrong end of a 2-0 series.

It all comes naturally to the Gentleman
It all comes naturally to the Gentleman

Jack Gallagher has recently been trading wins and losses with the conniving Brian Kendrick. The former Cruiserweight Champion turned his back on his former ally Akira Tozawa last month, with Gallagher serving as the catalyst.

The Gentleman may not have come out on top in his rivalry with Kendrick, but looked to move on and get back in the game with a win tonight.

Jack Gallagher vs Jay Jazikoff

Gallagher started off the match by shaking hands with his opponent. Jazikoff was unable to keep a grip on Gallagher. The Gentleman tied Jaz up quite easily, locking up the left arm and while stretching the right shoulder, turning it into a pinfall.

Jaz managed to stun Gallagher with a shoulder tackle, but a headbutt sent the local competitor crashing to the floor outside. Gallagher followed up, launching him into the barricade and following him around ringside, chopping him along the way.

The Gentleman's Dropkick connected in the corner of the barricade, and another in the ring sent Jazikoff packing.

Results: Jack Gallagher defeated Jay Jazikoff via pinfall.

Mendoza had the Champion on the ropes in tonight's main event
Mendoza had the Champion on the ropes in tonight's main event

Raul Mendoza vs Lio Rush

Lio Rush challenged Raul Mendoza to bring it after winning a brief contest early on. The two traded pinfall attempts, with a sliding roll-up nearly beating Rush. The match moved outside, and an apron hurricanrana took Mendoza to the ground.

The Cruiserweight Champion followed up with a suicide dive, nearly taking his opponent all the way to the ramp. Inside the ring, Mendoza was pelted with kicks. A suplex gave the 24-Year-Old Piece of Gold a near fall.

Mendoza tried to chase Rush up top but was knocked aside. He made it back before Rush could dive, bringing him down for a lifting spinning neckbreaker. Mendoza dumped Rush with a snapmare and followed with a running dropkick to the face.

Rush was left grounded as Mendoza locked in a chin lock. The crowd breathed life into their champion, who was immediately brought down with a strong clothesline. Rush broke away and began bouncing around the ring, building up momentum. Mendoza shut it down immediately, laying into him with a shining wizard.

Rush rolled outside to avoid any more damage. Mendoza picked him up, which led to a slug fest. Mendoza won that trade again with a superkick, but Rush managed to bounce back when he landed inside the ring, knocking Mendoza to the ground with a handspring kick to the jaw. Following that, Rush took Mendoza down with a springboard moonsault.

Inside the ring, Rush kept up the fire, taking out his opponent with a handspring back elbow and a kicking combination, ending with a stiff leg to the jaw. Mendoza kicked out at two and blocked another kick, bouncing Rush off the apron with a running enziguri. A missile dropkick sent Rush into the ropes and crashing to the mat.

A reverse lifting neckbreaker gave Mendoza a near fall. Rush escaped another attempt and trapped him in a single leg Boston Crab. Though Mendoza broke out, the damage was done. Rush caught him with the Come Up stunner and took out his leg with a penalty kick. With the Final Hour, the Champ of the Hour picked up another impressive victory.

Results: Lio Rush defeated Raul Mendoza via pinfall.

Following the match, Rush fist bumped Mendoza, showing that one of the newer members of the 205 Live roster had earned his respect.

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