WWE Extreme Rules 2017 Results June 4th 2017, Full Show Match Updates and Video Highlights

WWE Extreme Rules came to us from Baltimore, Maryland. The show was very good with an especially great main-event.

Dean Ambrose (C) vs The Miz (for the WWE Intercontinental Championship)

The old foes met once again at WWE Extreme Rules just weeks after their IC title match at RAW. Although they started off at a slower pace than usual, the match didn’t disappoint. Miz tried his dirty heel tactics as much as he could during the match.

After a slow and measured opening segment, Miz took control of the match, dragging Ambrose down by the hair after slamming him into the barricade. Miz hit his trademark running dropkick trio in the corner as he was over the Lunatic Fringe.

Miz then attempted a double axehandle from the top rope which Ambrose tried to reverse into a Dirty Deeds but unsuccessfully, instead, launching Miz out of the ring. Dean then followed Miz out only to roll him back in and hit a Fisherman Suplex for a 2-count.

A couple more nearfalls from Ambrose followed as he hit Miz with everything he had. Miz then locked in a Figure 4 Leglock with Ambrose barely reaching the ropes. Miz then looked to hit a Superplex but Ambrose fought his way out of the predicament and looked to hit Miz with a Powerbomb as Miz dragged the cover off the turnbuckle.nearfalls from Ambrose followed as he hit Miz with everything he had. Miz then locked in a Figure 4 Leglock with Ambrose barely reaching the ropes. Miz then looked to hit a Superplex but Ambrose fought his way out of the predicament and looked to hit Miz with a Powerbomb as Miz dragged the cover off the turnbuckle.

Ambrose was about to smash Miz into the exposed turnbuckle when he stopped, not wanting to lose his title thanks to the stipulation. Ambrose then reversed an attempt at a Figure 4 into one of his own as Miz barely managed to reach the ropes. Miz then looked to hit a Skull Crushing Finale but Ambrose rolled him up for a 2-count.

After this, Miz almost knocked Maryse off the apron after which he asked Maryse to slap him in the hopes of winning the match and the title, since titles could change by DQ in this match. The referee, however, chose to throw out Maryse out instead. As Maryse was leaving, Miz pushed Ambrose into the referee which knocked the referee out of the ring.

As the referee threatened to DQ Ambrose, Miz hit him with the Skull Crushing Finale for the win as we got a new Intercontinental Champion.

The Miz def. Dean Ambrose


Rich Swann and Sasha Banks vs Noam Dar and Alicia Fox

Alicia Fox and Sasha Banks started us off but Alicia immediately tagged Dar in. Swann immediately came in and hit Dar with a hurracanrana which forced Dar to tag Fox in.

Sasha locked in the Banks Statement but Dar kept Foxy’s foot on the rope which broke up the count. Foxy followed it up with a massive boot before hitting a beautiful tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Sasha tagged in Swann who came in firing on all cylinders hitting Dar with another hurracanrana followed by a somersault legdrop.

Dar and Swann traded punches after this as Sasha and Fox clashed in the ring and rolled to the outside. Sasha then got on the middle ropes and hit Dar with the double knees. Swann rolled him into the ring and hit him with the Phoenix Splash for the win.

Rich Swann and Sasha Banks def. Noam Dar and Alicia Fox


Elias Samson came out briefly for an impromptu concert as he sang for Baltimore, insulting the fans throughout the show.


Alexa Bliss (C) vs Bayley (Keno stick on a pole match for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship)

Before I get to the match, I just want to add that this match totally reeks of Vince Russo with the pole stipulation.

Alexa mocked Bayley right out of the gates, before heading to get the kendo stick. Bayley knocked Alexa off who in return knocked her out of the ring. Alexa went to climb the turnbuckle to get the kendo stick but Bayley met her there as both women crashed down along with the kendo stick.

Bayley was the first one who reached the kendo stick and she chased Alexa around the ring. Back in the ring, Alexa took Bayley down and hit her with the kendo stick. Bayley replied with a Bayley-To-Bayley but couldn’t capitalise.

Alexa managed to find an opening and hit her with another couple of kendo stick and hit her with a DDT to finish Bayley off. This was a surprisingly brief match.

Alexa Bliss def. Bayley


The Hardy Boyz (C) vs Cesaro & Sheamus

Cesaro and Sheamus tried to escape the cage as soon as the bell. The Hardys scrambled and managed to stop them right on time. The match was chaotic from the word go as Jeff hit the Poetry In Motion on both Cesaro and Sheamus.

Matt Hardy was perched on top of the cage and as he looked to have escaped the steel structure, Cesaro climbed up and stopped him. Sheamus hit Jeff Hardy with a rolling Senton before driving him face-first into the cage.

Cesaro and Sheamus took control at this point, but only briefly, as Sheamus looked to hit Jeff with a Brogue Kick. Jeff overpowered Cesaro, who was holding him in place, and Irish Whipped him face-first into the steel cage and Matt hit Sheamus with a tornado DDT.

Both Hardys climbed to the top of the cage with Jeff managing to escape despite Cesaro’s best attempts. Sheamus and Cesaro then worked on Matt Hardy together but Matt hit Sheamus with a Twist of Fate before taking out Cesaro and looking to climb out.

Cesaro and Sheamus stopped Hardy in his tracks soon and hit him with a modified White Noise from the top rope. Jeff Hardy climbed back into the cage at this point and hit Cesaro and Sheamus with a Whisper In The Wind from the top of the cage.

Cesaro and Sheamus then climbed back up the cage as Matt tried to drag Jeff out of the door. Sadly for Matt, Cesaro and Sheamus escaped first and we had new tag-team champions.

Sheamus and Cesaro def. The Hardy Boyz


Neville (C) vs Austin Aries (Submission match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship)

Neville and Austin Aries put on an incredible match. The transitions between them were smooth and they were on the same page throughout. It began at a quick pace which continued throughout as the two old rivals battled again, this time in a submission match.

Both men went back and forth throughout the match, looking to lock in a decisive submission hold. Austin Aries tried to lock in the Last Chancery early on but Neville escaped thanks to the ropes. Neville soon started working on Austin Aries’ knee, the same knee he and TJP have been working on for weeks. Aries soon countered a top rope attempt at offence from Neville into a Figure 4 Leglock. Neville managed to reach the ropes once again.

Aries tried to follow it up with a Missile Dropkick but he crashed onto the mat as Neville immediately locked in the Rings of Saturn. Aries’ foot somehow made it to the rope. As Neville was forced to break the hold, Aries locked in a Rings of Saturn of his own.

Aries and Neville headed to the top rope after this as Aries hit Neville with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb before immediately transitioning it into a Last Chancery. Neville managed to drag himself outside the ring where Aries continued the hold, but it didn’t matter there.

Aries then looked to hit the Heat Seeking Missile but no one was home. Neville rolled Aries back into the ring and hit him with the Red Arrow before immediately locking in the Rings Of Saturn and forcing Aries to tap.

Neville def. Austin Aries


Finn Balor vs Samoa Joe vs Seth Rollins vs Bray Wyatt vs Roman Reigns (Fatal-5-Way Extreme Rules Match for the #1 contendership)

All hell broke loose as the match began as Wyatt and Balor took on each other as Joe and Rollins went right at each other. Roman stood in the middle as this took place. Wyatt came in to take on Roman next and Roman disposed of Wyatt who rolled out of the ring. Roman then disposed of Joe and Balor before he faced off against his former Shield brother Seth Rollins.

The two men circled each other as Joe and Wyatt came back in to attack Reigns. Rollins went right after Joe as Wyatt drove Roman shoulder-first into the turnbuckle. Joe looked to hit Rollins with a suicide dive but Rollins dodged and hit one of his own.

Roman then had Wyatt on the middle rope as he looked to hit a Drive By. Roman went for it but Joe caught him mid-move before throwing him into the barricade. Joe and Wyatt then picked up the steel steps and acted as a wrecking crew as they took out Balor, Rollins and Reigns.

Joe and Wyatt continued to work together as they targeted Finn Balor and rolled him into the ring. They hit Balor with repeated right hands before taking him down with a double shoulder tackle. Seth Rollins came in at this point and he drove Wyatt out of the ring before sending Joe face-first into the turnbuckle. Rollins then went for a suicide dive but Bray caught him with a right hand before hitting him with a DDT on the steel steps.

The uneasy truce between Joe and Wyatt continued as they punished Finn Balor by hitting him with Sentons assisted with a steel chair. Joe then set up the steel chair in the corner as he whipped Wyatt right towards Balor. Balor hit Wyatt with a boot to the face and then sidestepped an incoming Joe who crashed into the steel chair.

Roman came back in at this point and hit Wyatt with a Drive-By before taking out Joe. Joe and Wyatt regrouped as Wyatt hit Roman Reigns with an Uranage Slam onto the announcer’s table. Rollins came back in at this point and hit Joe and Wyatt with a double Blockbuster from the top rope and Joe and Wyatt rolled out of the ring. Rollins then went for a suicide dive as Wyatt pushed Joe into Balor’s path.

Rollins then went for a springboard knee to Wyatt who blocked it and hit a Sister Abigail. Joe looked like he was seconds away from winning when Joe broke up the count. Joe and Wyatt then came to blows as Joe hit Wyatt with an enzeguiri. Wyatt replied with a crossbody block which he looked to follow up with a Sister Abigail. Joe looked to have reversed it into a Coquina Clutch when Balor came in with a steel chair and smashed him in the back with it.

Finn Balor then hit Wyatt with a double stomp before hitting Reigns with a PK. He followed it up with running dropkicks to Joe and Wyatt. Joe tried to lock in the Coquina Clutch on Balor after this but Reigns came in and speared them both through the barricade. Rollins then hit Wyatt, who was on the announcer's table, with a Frog Splash.

Rollins and Reigns were the first Superstars back to their feet. They traded blows as Reigns hit Rollins with a Superman Punch. Rollins replied with a Superkick. He then went for a Phoenix Splash but missed and landed on his feet. Wyatt came in and looked to hit Rollins with a Sister Abigail but didn’t manage. He then tried to hit Roman with one but got a spear for his troubles.

Roman then hit Balor with a Spear and Balor replied with a Slingblade. Balor then hit the Coup de Grace but as he was about to cover Roman, Joe came in and choked Balor out with the Coquina Clutch to become the #1 contender.

Samoa Joe wins


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