WWE Monday Night RAW: Live coverage and results - 30th June, 2014

John Cena after he won the unified title at Money in the Bank

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the live review of Monday Night RAW. Tonight, we see the fallout from the Money in the Bank PPV, which saw a new WWE World Heavyweight champion being crowned. Also, Seth Rollins won the briefcase and can cash it in at any time within the next year. Will he cash it in tonight on the new WWE World Heavyweight champion, John Cena? Let’s find out!

WWE kicked off by showing highlights from last night, and Triple H and Stephanie made their way out to open the show. Stephanie took the microphone and put over herself being born in Hartford. She then put over last night’s PPV as the crowd started a huge “CM Punk” chant. She ignored the chants and talked about Daniel Bryan, and said he’ll be out for longer than expected, and then put Seth Rollins over. Triple H then spoke about Seth Rollins and the ladder match for the WWE World Heavyweight championship, John Cena, and said he was an A+ player, as the crowd booed. He then introduced John Cena as the crowd booed him out of the building.

Stephanie and Triple H applauded Cena as he looked surprised. Cena spoke about The Authority not giving Bryan a shot at the title when he returns, but said he would as the crowd chanted “Yes”. Stephanie then unveiled the cover of new WWE 2K15 with Cena on the cover, to celebrate his 15th world title run! Cena said it was an honor, but said it wasn’t right. He said they were being too nice too soon, and showed Stephanie’s and Triple H’s reaction after Cena won the title. Cena talked about The Authority having Orton, Kane and Seth in their back pockets, and said they were sucking up to him because they don’t control him.

Triple H then mocked Cena, and talked with an accent. Cena threatened Triple H, and Triple H said he doesn’t have a problem with him as long as he did it with respect. Triple H then warned Cena about all of this going away in a second, and Cena said he wasn’t going to suck up to them, and said he’ll do things the hard way. Triple H then announced the main event at Battleground for the WWE World Heavyweight championship in a fatal 4 way match. Triple H named Orton and Kane as the two participants in the fatal 4 way match, and also Cena’s opponents later in the show, and then announced the fourth man at the PPV to be Roman Reigns, and Roman will be partnering with Cena later tonight.

Cena then took a dig at Stephanie and made his way out of the ring. Triple H then stopped him, and said if Cena survived the three men at Battleground PPV, he had a plan B, as Seth came out with the briefcase.

Analysis: That was a great way to open the show, and the main event for the next PPV has been set in stone. Things just got interesting in the WWE, with Roman Reigns partnering up with Cena later in the show, and him being the fourth man in the fatal 4 way.

RVD vs. Seth Rollins

The crowd started a big RVD chant as both men locked up. RVD flipped Rollins out of the ring, but Rollins came back kicking RVD. RVD kicked Rollins out of the ring again as Seth threw a fit. More back and forth action as RVD caught Seth with an enziguri. RVD worked on Seth’s back and connected with a heel kick. RVD followed it up with a standing moonsault for a nearfall. RVD went for a monkey flip, but Rollins tried to counter it. RVD then locked him in the abdominal stretch as Rollins made it to the ropes. Seth clotheslined RVD on the outside as WWE went into commercial.

Back from commercial and Seth was in control of the match. RVD turned the tables and connected with a rolling thunder and a split legged moonsault on Seth’s back. Seth came back by delivering clubby blows to RVD’s back, but RVD turned the tables and went for the five star frog splash, but Seth rolled out of the ring. RVD leapt on Rollins from the top turnbuckle and caught Seth. Back in the ring, Seth hung RVD over the ropes to gain some momentum, as the crowd chanted for RVD. Seth connected with the curb stomp to pick up the victory.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Rating: ***

Analysis: That was a solid match between two excellent workers, but it would’ve been better if WWE gave them more time. Instead of using fillers or non sensical matches.

Post match, Renee tried to interview Seth, but he stopped her and put himself over. He talked about cashing the contract, but Ambrose appeared on the tron and warned Seth. Ambrose told Seth that if he tried cashing it in, Ambrose would be there to stop him. Ambrose said Rollins had TNT, and any time he tried to cash it in, it would blow up in his face.

Rusev made his way out with Lana. Lana once again cut an anti – America promo, calling them failures as the fans chanted “USA”. Lana put over Russia and Putin, and ended up putting Rusev over. She then issued an open challenge, and it was answered by Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter. Zeb then cut a promo on Lana, saying he was sick of her and asked her to shut up. Zeb ripped into Lana, and mocked her, and said Jack could stop Rusev.

Lana stopped Rusev, and as it looked like they would walk away, Rusev tried to attack Jack, who dropped him with a couple of armdrags and sent him retreating to the back!

Analysis: Finally, it looks like the WWE wants to use Swagger properly. It has taken a long time, but this is a perfect feud to put Jack over once again as a credible upper mid card talent.

Sheamus and The Usos vs. The Wyatt Family

Jey started things off with Rowan as both Jimmy and Jey tried to double team Rowan, but he fought back. The Usos gained the upper hand by knocking Rowan out of the ring as WWE went into commercial.

Back from the break and Sheamus unloaded on Rowan and Harper. Sheamus then went to the top and came down on all the three members on the outside. Bray distracted Sheamus, and Rowan sent him outside. Harper then tagged in and laid him out with a big boot. Bray then came in and connected with a running senton for a nearfall. Rowan came back in and scooped Sheamus, and connected with a splash for a nearfall. Rowan continued attacking Sheamus and came down with a big knee, and tagged in Bray Wyatt.

Sheamus connected with a big boot, but Wyatt stopped him on the top rope as the crowd sang his song. Harper tagged in and worked over Sheamus, connecting with a superkick for a nearfall as the crowd chanted for JBL. Sheamus tried to make a comeback and tagged in one of the Usos. Jey came out with a head full of steam, landing a springboard dropkick, and followed it up with another dropkick, sending Harper out of the ring, and connected with a top rope plancha. Back in the ring, Rowan saved the match for his team, but Sheamus took him out with a Brogue kick. Bray took Sheamus out by planting him backfirst, but the Usos took Bray out. Harper came in and connected with a huge clothesline on Jey to pick up the victory.

Winners: The Wyatt Family

Rating: *** ½

Analysis: That was a strong six man tag team match, and the end sequence was fantastic. It made sense of the Wyatts to get their win back after losing last night, but unfortunately, that won’t take away their losing streak.

Backstage, Nikki was being interviewed about her sister being evicted last night, but Stephanie showed up and announced a handicap match between Nikki and the Funkadactyles.

Bo Dallas made his way out, and asked the fans to stand in silence for Daniel Bryan and Bad News Barrett, as they’re unable to compete at the moment. He posed at the top of the ramp, and after a while, he showed Daniel Bryan’s speech from last night. He then showed Bryan making fun of Bo Dallas. Nikki interrupted Bo and made her way down to the ring.

Nikki vs. Cameron and Naomi in a Handicap match

Cameron started things off with Nikki as she slammed her to the mat for a 1 count. Nikki came back with a back elbow and dropped Cameron for a 1 count. Naomi tagged herself in and kicked Nikki to the side of the head. Naomi planted Nikki with a neckbreaker to pick up the victory.

Winner (s): Cameron and Naomi

Rating: Dud

Post match, Naomi and Cameron nearly came to blows, but Cameron left to the back.

Analysis: That was horrendous to say the least. Glad it didn’t go for more than 2 minutes. Naomi is a good athlete, and is the only diva among the 3 who should be in a wrestling ring.

WWE then showed Bad News Barrett’s injury last week, and said he had a separated shoulder, and would be out for months. It was announced that the title was vacant, and a new champion would be decided soon.

Heyman came out and cut a promo about Brock Lesnar beating ‘Taker at WrestleMania 30. He then talked about BNB getting injured, and said Cesaro can be the new WWE Intercontinental champion. He put over Cesaro, and introduced him to the fans.

Cesaro (With Heyman) vs. Kofi Kingston

Cesaro went on the offensive early, but Kofi came back with a big kick for a nearfall. Kofi threw Cesaro out and came down with a top rope moonsault on Cesaro. Back in the ring, Kofi went for the pin but Cesaro kicked out at 2. Cesaro caught Kofi with a knee to the back. Cesaro drilled into Kofi and worked over him. Cesaro connected with a clothesline for a nearfall. Kofi tried to fight back, but Cesaro scooped him and locked him in the Cesaro swing, but he mocked the fans and continued attacking Kofi. Kofi rolled Cesaro up for a nearfall as the crowd started a “CM Punk” chant. Cesaro was in control as RAW went into commercial.

Back from the break, and apparently Kofi defeated Cesaro during the commercial. Cesaro laid into Kofi, and connected with an uppercut, and threw him into the steel steps. He picked Kofi apart, throwing him over the announcer’s table, and threw him over the barricade. He brought Kofi back, and rammed him against the steel post multiple times.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

Rating: **

Analysis: Why would you finish a match during the commercial? I get Vince’s love for the WWE app, but ending a match during a commercial is absolutely ridiculous. Cesaro laid into Kofi, and showcased his mean streak. It’s sad that Cesaro isn’t used properly, and hopefully, he’ll find his way into the main event scene soon.

Santino and Adam Rose were involved in a nonsensical plug in for some kind of tea.

Vince McMahon’s music hit, and as the fans erupted, Damien Sandow made his way out, dressed as Vince McMahon. He then imitated Vince, and mocked him. He called himself Vincent Kennedy McMahon-dow. He name dropped Hogan, Triple H, Steve Austin and also Damien Sandow. He put himself over, and officially entered himself into the Battleground Battle Royal for the WWE IC title. He imitated Vince again, but Stephanie showed up on the tron and ripped into Sandow. She then sent Khali as Sandow’s opponent for the night.

Damien Sandow vs. Khali

Khali chopped Sandow and pinned him to win the match.

Winner: Khali

Rating: Dud

Analysis: As I’ve been saying for a long time, it’s just sad how WWE has been using Sandow. I’ve heard people saying that they’re enjoying Sandow’s “1000 jobbers” persona, but Sandow deserves better than this.

WWE showed the limo in the back, carrying a former WWE champion.

The returning superstar is revealed to be The Miz, who got a lukewarm reception. He put himself over as a Hollywood superstar. He said the directors begged him to stay back, but he came back to the WWE for the fans. He said the fans are wrong about him, and plugged in main eventing WrestleMania, and asked the fans to show him some respect. He said he won’t leave till the fans begged him to stay, as the fans started a CM Punk chant, but the pyros went off as Jericho’s music played and the place came unglued!

Jericho made his way out to a massive pop from the WWE Universe, as the fans chanted “Y2J”. Miz asked Jericho if he came back to congratulate him. Miz taunted Jericho, but Jericho dropped him with a codebreaker. Jericho took the mic and was about to say “RAW is Jericho”, but the lights went out and Jericho was surrounded by the Wyatts, as the crowd chanted “This is awesome”. The trio attacked Chris as Rowan clotheslined him, and Harper dropped him with a big boot. Bray connected with Sister Abigail, as the segment ended with Jericho on the mat.

Analysis: That was an unbelievable pop that Jericho got, and this gives the fans a reason to start tuning into RAW again. If this leads to a Jericho – Bray Wyatt program, then that’s the best thing that can happen to the career of Bray, and also for the fans. The promos and matches between these two will be amazing to say the least, and Jericho immediately made an impact after his return.

Back from the break and Fandango was dancing in the ring with Layla. Ziggler made his way out next to a big ovation.

Fandango (With Layla) vs. Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler started things off with a dropkick, but Ziggler went crashing into the ring post and Fandango worked over Ziggler. Fandango wasted time showing off, and Ziggler tried to take advantage. Fandango dropped Ziggler on his head for a nearfall, but Ziggler turned the tables with a clothesline as the fans started a “Let’s go Ziggler” chant. Ziggler connected with an elbow as Summer walked into the ring. Summer kissed Ziggler, and Ziggler retaliated with another kiss. Fandango looked confused and asked Summer what she was doing, but Ziggler dropped Fandango with the Zig Zag to pick up the victory.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Rating: *

Analysis: It’s evident that the WWE doesn’t have anything in store for Ziggler, which is astonishing. Anyway, Summer found a way to get back at Fandango, and this will likely lead to Fandango getting jealous of Summer.

WWE replayed last week’s action when Vickie got her revenge after she was fired by Stephanie.

RybAxel vs. Goldust and Stardust

Ryback and Axel attacked Goldust and Stardust as soon as the bell rang, and Axel worked over Goldust as the fans chanted “Goldberg”. Ryback and Axel worked in tandem, bringing Goldust down and working him over. The crowd got on Ryback’s nerves by chanting “Goldberg”, as Ryback covered Goldust for a nearfall. Ryback laid into Goldust with some chops, but Goldust tried to make a comeback before Ryback stopped him in his tracks. Ryback went for the meathook, but Goldust dropped him with a spinebuster and tagged in Stardust. He worked on Axel and came down with a springboard elbow, and connected with a springboard clothesline on Ryback. He then planted Axel face first to pick up the victory.

Winners: Goldust and Stardust

Rating: * ¾

Analysis: That was once again a very short match, and I don't get WWE's logic. Why would the fans be interested in seeing match they saw 24 hours ago? WWE logic I suppose.

Back from commercial, and the WWE Divas champion Paige made her way out. Paige cut a promo about proving her doubters and critics wrong, and said she deserves to be the Divas champion. AJ interrupted her and came down the ramp skipping! The crowd started a “CM Punk” chant, as AJ said she wanted to come down and say Paige was right. She said Paige did what no other diva could do for a year, and she proved her wrong. AJ said Paige gave her the slap of reality, and thanked her. Paige asked AJ how stupid she thought Paige was, and said she knew AJ was trying to copy her.

Paige said she won’t do the same mistake AJ did, as the fans started a big “CM Punk” chant, and Paige said no one wanted to see them have a match, as the crowd chanted “Yes”. AJ asked the fans if they wanted to see a rematch, and they chanted “Yes”. Paige said okay, and we have a match!

Paige vs. AJ for the WWE Divas title

AJ started off aggressively, but Paige dropped her down. Paige kicked her, but AJ tried to mount her offense, as the crowd started a “Let’s go AJ/Let’s go Paige” chant. Paige went to work on AJ, but AJ rolled her up to get the 3 count!

Winner and the new Divas champion: AJ Lee

Rating: ¼ *

Analysis: That was a shocker, and we finally have a good feud on the cards between two of the better workers in the division. AJ is now the new WWE Divas champion!

John Cena and Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton and Kane

Cena and Orton started things off as the fans started the dueling “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chants. Orton dropped Cena with a hip toss, as Cena tagged in Roman. Orton tagged in Kane, as the two behemoths started trading blows. Roman sent Kane over the top rope as WWE went into the final commercial of the night.

Back from commercial and Orton continued working on Roman, and came down with a big knee for a nearfall. Kane came in and continued working on Roman, as Kane and Orton worked in tandem. Roman came back with a clothesline as Triple H watched from ringside. Kane distracted Roman, allowing Orton to drop him with a clothesline on the outside. Kane and Orton worked together to isolate Roman, as Kane dropped Roman with a big boot for a nearfall.

The action then broke down after more back and forth action, as Roman dropped Kane with a Samoan drop and made the hot tag to Cena. Cena took Orton down, and Kane came in and blocked the AA. Reigns and Orton fought to the back while Kane and Cena exchanged blows. Kane rammed Cena into the steel steps and decked Cena with them to cause the DQ.

Winners by DQ: Cena and Reigns

Rating: **

Post match, Triple H ordered Kane to finish Cena. Kane went for the tombstone piledriver inside the ring and hit Cena with the piledriver, as the fans chanted for more. Triple H smiled and signalled someone to come out, as Seth came down with the briefcase while the doctors were checking on Cena. Seth wanted to cash – in, but the referee stopped him as Cena was laid out. Triple H warned the referee, but Ambrose came out and chased Seth through the crowd. Triple H called the ref an idiot, and as Kane brought a chair to attack Cena, Roman came back and took Kane down with a spear. Triple H and Roman stared each other down as the crowd chanted “This is awesome”. Triple H then backed down and made his way to the back as Roman looking on, as RAW faded.

Over – all rating of the show: *** ¾ (Out of 5 stars)

Now that is how you put on a show. RAW was very interesting this week, with a couple of huge returns and new rivalries. I honestly cannot wait to see Bray and Jericho talk trash about each other, and AJ and Paige settle their differences in a rubber match. Things are getting very interesting as we head towards Battleground PPV, with Roman, Kane and Orton challenging Cena for the WWE World title. That does it for this week’s review, and we hope you've enjoyed the show.

An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.

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