WWE NXT Results 1st November 2017, latest NXT winners, review and video highlights

An evening to forget for Drew McIntyre
An evening to forget for Drew McIntyre

This week's episode of NXT featured a big contract signing between Drew McIntyre and Andrade 'Cien' Almas plus a big NXT Tag-Team title match between Eric Young and Alexander Wolfe of SAniTy and the Authors of Pain.

We also got a big surprise at the end of the night. More on that later.

Taynara Conti vs Nikki Cross

Revenge is a dish best served cold
Revenge is a dish best served cold

Nikki Cross finally got a chance to settle her beef with Taynara Conti once and for all. Nikki didn’t wait before getting down to business and charged at Conti as soon as the bell rang. Conti ran out of the ring but Nikki chased her out and trapped her between the ring and the apron and lay into her with forearms.

Conti briefly got some offence in before Nikki trapped her in the Tree of Woe. Nikki followed it up with the Swinging Fisherman Neckbreaker for the win.

Nikki Cross def. Taynara Conti


Johnny Gargano vs Fabian Aichner

An impressive outing for Fabian Aichner
An impressive outing for Fabian Aichner

Johnny Gargano took on former CWC competitor Fabian Aichner next. Gargano and Aichner showed off their grappling skills early on. Gargano then hit a headscissors before Aichner caught him in midair and hit a Powerslam. Gargano then sent Aichner crashing out of the ring before looking to leap over the ropes and onto him. Aichner caught him in midair and dropped him onto the barricade as we headed to commercial.

Aichner and Gargano were going at it when we came back from commercial. Gargano hit a spear through the ropes but only got a 2 count of it. Johnny followed it up with a beautiful DDT following a counter for another 2-count. Aichner got some offence in again as he lawn-darted Gargano into the turnbuckle. He followed it up with a Powerbomb but that wasn’t enough to finish the match. Gargano was soon back up on his feet as both men traded strikes.

Aichner headed to the top rope one more time but was met with Gargano’s knees. He then looked to finish it off with the Garga-No-Escape but Aichner rolled him up for the shock win.

Fabian Aichner def. Johnny Gargano


We got a video package of Aleister Black’s feud with Velveteen Dream, confirming their match for TakeOver.

Street Profits were outside Full Sail admiring a Maserati belonging to Tino Sabatelli or Riddick Moss. The duo came out and asked the Street Profits, asking them to step away from the car. The Profits eventually walked away but a feud between these two teams is clearly coming.

Contract signing between Drew McIntyre and Andrade ‘Cien’ Almas

Almas attacked Drew from behind
Almas attacked Drew from behind

Drew came out first but Andrade attacked him from behind almost immediately. Andrade then signed the contract before sticking it to Drew with a piece of Zelina Vega’s gum.


Billie Kay and Peyton Royce were in the PC and they cut a hilarious promo running down Kairi Sane. Kairi appeared from behind them and the ladies no longer looked smug.

It was announced after this that Kairi would be facing Billie Kay next week on NXT.

Eric Young and Alexander Wolfe vs Authors of Pain (for the NXT Tag-Team Championships)

The Authors of Pain were at their best
The Authors of Pain were at their best

The former NXT Tag-Team Champions were back for their contractual rematch for what they believed to be the title they should never have lost. Akum and Rezar looked really strong last week and this match was no less interesting.

EY got overpowered as soon as the bell rang but he hot Rezar with a massive right hand. Rezar powered Young into his corner and tagged in Akum. EY made a tag of his own and Wolfe went to work on Rezar after some tandem offence after another tag. Young and Wolfe traded tags before Rezar tagged himself back in and took his anger out on Wolfe. He followed it up with a chin lock as we headed to commercial.

The Authors were in complete control when we were back from commercial. Akum had Wolfe in control as he tagged Rezar in. Rezard talked trash to Wolfe before the German caught him with a big boot. Both men made tags as EY came in and took Akum down. He followed it with a dropkick to Rezard and followed it with a neckbreaker to Akum.

Wolfe hit Rezar with a German as EY hit Akum with a flying elbow drop. Only a 2 count. Wolfe tagged himself him and caught Akum from the top rope before SAniTy double-teamed Akum. Rezard\ came back in and took Wolfe down before Akum came in and took out EY. The Authors then hit the Super Collider and the Last Chapter. The Authors were on the verge of victory when the Undisputed came out and broke up the pin and ending the match.

Authors of Pain win by DQ

Killian Dain came out to help his brothers but he soon got outnumbered, getting sent shoulder-first into the ring post.

Roderick Strong came out to confront the Undisputed and he had his Undisputed armband with him, which he put on. Roddy then attacked Cole and cleared the ring with the Authors of Pain.

William Regal came out at this point and announced that the situation had become so untenable that these three teams would face each other in Houston in two rings, inside one cage in WarGames. A massive announcement from Regal as there hasn’t been a WarGames match in nearly 20 years.


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