WWE RAW: 5 signs that show that Bray Wyatt’s new gimmick could be darker than ever

Wyatt's darkest work yet?
Wyatt's darkest work yet?

Most of the talk following the conclusion of last night’s RAW is about Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House segment. After almost a year away from WWE, Wyatt was back on last week’s RAW with a seemingly new look.

The first episode of his Firefly Fun House segment had mixed reviews with many thinking the theme to be too childish and not suiting the Eater of the Worlds. In fact, there were reports of WWE shareholders not liking the gimmick and the Superstar himself took to Twitter to respond to it in his own cryptic way.

With the second episode, however, there seems to be more positivity as the character showed more dark sides than the first one. The deranged child entertainer gimmick might just be the darkest thing Bray Wyatt has done and here are 5 signs that show just that.

#5 Mannerisms

Look at the madness in his eyes
Look at the madness in his eyes

The thing with Bray Wyatt is that he is very talented. Be it in the ring as a wrestler or away from it as a promo, he is simply outstanding. He is so good on the mic that he is given the freedom to speak his mind – and that is something that allows his facial expression to change naturally.

Also read: 4 reasons why Bray Wyatt's new gimmick will be great

In both the episodes, there is a sadistic feel to his smile. He tries to look innocent but his eyes spell a different story. Wyatt’s eye and brow movement, too, is perfect to the last detail for someone who is playing the role of an unhinged children show host.

He also makes a very unique facial mien when his past gimmick is brought up. It is an amalgamation of sadness, regret and lots of…

#4 Pure hatred

Hatred in his veins
Hatred in his veins

On the surface, Bray Wyatt is smiling and laughing and talking with the innocence of child. However, whenever the topic of old Wyatt is brought up, his look changes almost instantly and you can feel the hatred in his eyes for the Eater of the Worlds.

In the first episode of Firefly Fun House on WWE RAW, he mentioned that he was once a very bad person and would never turn into that “loser” ever again.

The emphasis that he gave on the word ‘loser’ was of complete conviction. It was as though there was no way he would allow the Eater of the Worlds to come back and would do everything in his power to ensure that the old Wyatt stays buried.

The keyword above is ‘everything’. What if he is so hell-bent on repressing the old Wyatt that he goes to crazy lengths to ensure it? A sign of that was there in the first episode during the…

#3 Chainsaw moment

A sign of hatred
A sign of hatred

After berating the old Wyatt last week on WWE RAW, he took a chainsaw and ripped apart a cardboard cutout portraying his old gimmick. Even though it was only just a cardboard cutout, it was a sign of his willingness to keep the ‘monster’ at bay.

But in that very moment, he did something monstrous to a cardboard image of himself. If that wasn’t enough to display his dark side, then…

#2 Abby the Witch

Abby the Witch
Abby the Witch

If you are a horror movie fan, you will know that witch dolls have been used endlessly to portray evil powers. Right from Chucky to Annabelle, dolls have been displayed as an epitome of creepiness.

In Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House, he has a doll named Abby the Witch and he seems to be quite subservient to it (he asked the Rambling Rabbit to disappear when Abby the Witch woke up).

A witch-doll and a deranged subject… you know where this is heading.

#1 Painting

Wyatt's painting
Wyatt's painting

In 2016, Randy Orton joined the Wyatt Family after a series of losses to the latter. He pledged his alliance to Wyatt even further when he relinquished his shot at the WWE Championship, held by Bray Wyatt at the time, after winning the 2017 Royal Rumble.

However, shortly after that, Orton betrayed Wyatt and burned the Wyatt Compound to the ground, much to the devastation of a weeping Wyatt. The pair then face each other at WrestleMania 33 where Orton won the WWE Championship for the 9th time.

So why am I bringing all of this up? In the second episode of Firefly Fun House, Wyatt drew a painting which was reminiscent of the compound-burning scene. It showed that Wyatt hasn’t forgotten what Orton did to him and that pain still resides in him.

Also read: WWE RAW: What we learned from the last episode by reading between the lines (29/4/2019)

In Wyatt’s own words, “painting is a way for me to express my suppressed feelings.” So if his ‘suppressed feelings’ consist of his old compound being turned to ashes, you know there is more darkness to come.

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