WWE RAW Results December 2nd, 2019: Winners, Grades, Video Highlights for latest Monday Night RAW

Bobby Lashley arrested; Randy Orton saved by unlikely allies
Bobby Lashley arrested; Randy Orton saved by unlikely allies

The AOP cut a short promo with Caruso backstage before RAW kicked off with Seth Rollins in the ring. He was apologizing for his behavior last week, especially to Kevin Owens. KO came out smiling and said that he wasn't having any of it since he had the AOP to interfere in the match last week. Rollins said he had nothing to do with AOP and the team in question came out and challenged them to a match.

Rollins agreed but KO said it would just end up in a three on one assault so Rollins left the ring. Owens then called the AOP to fight him one-by-one but they too left. Owens then put out an open challenge before Lana & Lashley came out. KO was sick of Lana's babbling when she started talking.

She said that Rusev will not be with them tonight since she put out another restraining order and will go to jail if he tried. Lana and KO kept on bickering before Lana sent Lashley to face Owens. Two 'police officers' were there to protect them from Rusev.

Segment rating: A

Kevin Owens vs. Bobby Lashley

The match was cut short by the AOP
The match was cut short by the AOP

Lashley was dominating early on before KO dropped him on the apron and hit a senton to the outside. After a break, Lashley was in control again and hit a neck breaker on Owens. The match was interrupted by the AOP who dragged Owens away to the backstage area.

Result: DNF

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Match rating: B

After the match, Lashley was saying he had nothing to do with the attack on KO before Rusev attacked him in the ring. Rusev fled before the 'Police Officers' could tell what was happening and everyone chanted 'Rusev Day'.

Lashley was livid at the officers for not doing anything about it before they turned on him and arrested The All Mighty instead. Lana then slapped one of them and she was arrested as well.

Segment rating: A

Backstage, Lana & Rusev were carried away in the cops' Dodge Neon while The Street Profits and R-Truth looked on.

Drew McIntyre vs. Akira Tozawa

Drew McIntyre came out victorious
Drew McIntyre came out victorious

Drew was tossing Tozawa around the ring in a very one-sided match before Tozawa hit some kicks in the corner. Drew took a missile dropkick but hit a claymore for the easy win.

Result: Drew McIntyre def. Akira Tozawa

Match rating: C

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After the match, Drew was ranting about the locker room before calling out Randy Orton. Orton came out and the two were arguing when The OC interrupted after Randy cost AJ the title last week.

Drew left and AJ was looking for a match against Randy before the OC attacked him. Ricochet came out to help and so did Humberto Carrillo, followed by Rey Mysterio. After a break, Randy said he appreciated the help but didn't need it.

Segment rating: B

Aleister Black vs. Tony Nese

Black took Nese out quick
Black took Nese out quick

The two started off on an equal footing but Black took the lead early on as Buddy Murphy looked on from backstage. Aleister hit the Black Mass, ending the match quickly.

Result: Aleister Black def. Tony Nese

In a backstage interview, Murphy said that will expose Black as the loose cannon he is.

Match rating: C

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Andrade vs. Eric Young

How long will Andrade's winning streak last?
How long will Andrade's winning streak last?

Young went up top and hit a diving elbow early on. Andrade locked in the armbar before Young escaped with a Jawbreaker. Andrade hit the Hammerlock DDT for the win.

Result: Andrade def. Eric Young

Match rating: C

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R-Truth rushed the ring after the match and half the locker room were still chasing after him. The two race drivers in the audience helped get rid of Truth's competitors by sending them in the wrong direction. Kyle Busch, one of the drivers, pinned Truth while Michael Waltrip acted as the referee. NASCAR driver Kyle Busch is now the 24/7 champ.

Seth Rollins was backstage and says there was no way that he could come out of this rivalry as a good guy.

Will we finally find out what's under the blanket? King thinks its Rowan's kid.

Erick Rowan vs. No Way Jose

"Tell your people not to touch my stuff"

The Conga Line tried messing with Rowan's pet and he decimated the group. Then he yelled at Jose to tell his people not to touch his things while beating the crap out of him. Rowan hit two big Iron Claws for the win.

Result: Erick Rowan def. No Way Jose

WWE went ahead and sent an interviewer to Rowan to finally as him what's in the cage but Rowan just looked angrily and walked off.

Match rating: C

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The Kabuki Warriors cut a promo mostly in Japanese and attacked Charlotte before their two-on-one match started after weeks of Asuka and Flair going head-to-head.

The Kabuki Warriors vs. Charlotte - Handicap match

Asuka's ring awareness won them the match
Asuka's ring awareness won them the match

The duo unloaded on Charlotte as the match began before Charlotte sent Kairi into the barricades but Asuka took her out with a kick from the apron. Charlotte hit a dive on both opponents before focusing on Asuka.

Charlotte hit the Figure-8 on Sane but Asuka broke it up. Charlotte was about to hit a double Superplex but was denied. She then hit a double spear but still no pinfall. Charlotte locked in the Figure-8 off a spear but Asuka had made the tag, letting Kairi get the pin off the Insane Elbow.

Result: The Kabuki Warriors def. Charlotte

Match rating: A

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The Viking Raiders vs. Enhancement Talent

The Vikings prevailed
The Vikings prevailed

Erik and Ivar sent their opponents outside before Erik tossed his teammate onto them. The hit the Viking Experience in the ring for the win.

Result: The Viking Raiders def. Enhancement Talent

Match rating: C

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Humberto, Ricochet and Rey Mysterio cut a promo backstage before their match with the OC.

The OC vs. Rey Mysterio, Ricochet & Humberto Carrillo

AJ and the OC got a hard-fought victory
AJ and the OC got a hard-fought victory

The OC had the upper hand early on but Mysterio tagged in and turned things around. Gallows took out him from behind but he hit a modified 619 in the corner before setting up for the finisher. Anderson interfered and sent Rey into the ring post before we headed for commercials.

Anderson was sent into the corner before Rey made the tag to Ricochet but AJ was in as well. Ricochet hit an amazing sequence ending with a standing shooting star press for a near fall. AJ hit a Styles Clash from the middle rope for the win.

Result: The OC def. Rey Mysterio, Ricochet & Humberto Carrillo

Match rating: A

Randy Orton hit an RKO outta owhere while AJ was celebrating before the show ended.

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Episode rating: B

A lot of filler matches were on the card, making it feel stretched out but the show started off strong and picked up by the end with Charlotte vs. the Kabuki Warriors and Team Mysterio vs. the OC.

Vince Russo answers who killed WCW HERE

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